Frick Park mountain bike trails

where are they/how do you get to them?


follow the trail:rolleyes:

you can enter the trails from lower frick which is in regent square or you can hit up upper frick in sq. hill on beachwood blvd.

i like to enter the trails by way of upper frick park since you get greeted by a nice technical downhill run. if you are comming from the water front, cross the high level bridge toward sq. hill. go past the hill, when you hit the intersection of beachwood and the road from the hight level bridge, make a right on beechwood. follow beachwood blvd. about 1 mile. you will see upper frick park’s playgound to your right. go ahead and park on the street.

enter the park and follow the paved trail to a sign that says boy scout area. the paved trail will fork, uphill to your left and down hill to you right. go right the paved trail will reduce to a nice technical single track. past this there is a maze of trails. just try to follow the ones going downhill first to learn your way around. all the trails lead to lower frick park. if you dont bust your head open or fly over you handle bars you’ll make it to lower frick park.

take the falls ravine trail uphill back to upper frick and just try the other trails. there’s a lot of mountain bikers there after 5pm on weekdays. you can probably just follow them.

you can also hit me up. i’m down for some riding.


And take a bullet proof vest and gun with you.

hahah. i did get a gun pulled on my by some trailer trash looking kids in lower frick park back in 1995 they got away with my bike. it didnt scare me away. 11 years later of riding and hiking i havent had any altrications at frick.

you live up by the airport, go ride through sandy lake

:eek: I think I’ll stick to Mingo Creek Park and risk falling in horse poop instead.

Peter… we’ll have to get a couple guys together to peep those out. I have a feeling that if i tried it alone, i’d get really lost :stuck_out_tongue:



And I haven’t ridden trails in a long time, I really don’t want to go out by myself with other mountain bikers who actually know how to ride. :smiley:

We’ll have to figure out a time to check this out.

i thought i read you lived by the county airport… sandy lake is on the left going up dravosburg hill, but if you’re headed towards the airport coming from mr hoagies, at the first light you come to, make a left and then another left. i can’t remember the street names, but the road’ll dead end and it’ll go to woods, there’s trails all through there, when i was younger, we used to ride there all the time

I do live right by the airport. I never knew of any trails, I will have to check them out sometime.


pm me, i’ll come ride


I think i’ll be riding after 5 tomorow. Anyone intrested?

I’m in… how about 6? Where is a good place to meet?

if youre comming from 28. we can just meet at my house. just cross the 40th st bridge into lawrencevill then go up to bloomfield. its gonna be nice and muddy tonight if youre still down.

ya… after this weather so far, i think we’ll have to postpone it till another day.

yeah. too wet out.

I’ll go that’s real close to me :slight_smile: