friday night fun..

O pete dont get your pantys in a bunch. Its all in fun. You cant be in YOUR favor 100% of the time.

We have two different cars that are setup to do two completely different things. You arent a 520rwhp Car on STREET tires fighting for traction. Sometimes its better to be safe then sorry.

20wrx09 was behind me I believe when I had to completly lift because I nearly shit myself. I never get thattt sidewayssss to the point I need to lift. Last night was a rough night. It was colder then it has been at night lately…tires werent liking it.

would you want to have a close race with two cars that are hooking up 100%, all out or do you want a cheap easy win because one doesnt hook up for 2 gears? Not sure what else to tell ya.

it seem’s you want the cheap, easy way out. Tough shit. its like the high school bully kicking a retard while he is down.