friday night fun..

Here comes rusty trombone, back from the dead! Are you still butthurt by our last forum interaction? You don’t know me, so you know nothing about “action”. Just because you aren’t out when I am doesn’t mean I don’t get kills.

So back to the STi story, you are telling me that they are such pieces of shit that they are useless until they hit 5th gear? T-Money should have bought an STi…

If your cameo beat a 35r STI then there was something seriously wrong with it, or he was running 2psi

It was a mistake, it’s actually a Precision GT30R. I know the kid well and he’s a legit dude. It was a good race, but I car lengthed him both times we raced. My car does surprisingly well on a roll race considering weight/hp. It’s probably the 2.73 gears.

and if I recal, when STI’s go in 5th/6th gears thats when they either Burn up, or crack ring lands because they cant handle the extra heat from the longer gears…

jdaniels, a semi-experienced (not necessarily highly educated, though) post begins naow:

This is a video of an STi going 1st through 4th (happens to be a (once?) local 35r car, I just chose this video because it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this “debate”):

You have to look/listen HARD for the one-two shift, it’s there though :rofl

Now skateshelter and/or other STis may not have the balls, skills, foot/hand agility, or properly set up car to shift quickly and maintain boost as effectively as the fine gentleman in that video, amplifying the ridiculously short gearing in those cars.

Having been in a local green STi-powertrained car around various curvy roads in Mexico, I can say that this gearing very much reflects the car’s roots and does it VERY well; the STi is of course a rally car by nature. The power and torque are always on tap so any corner from 20mph up can be exited right at 3500-5000rpm or whatever RPM you want to be at.

This does not carry over too well to drag racing, though. Having been in a local STi 1st through 5th racing another local high-teen MPH car, the STi lost ground 1-4 and kept the distance and possibly gained on the car in 5th.

Also having driven the same car, the tq is awesome 1-4 and 5th can certainly be called the “killer” gear, just like 4th is in most turbo hondas (due to traction in the hondas, not gearing like in the subies).

“killer gear” example: ( :rofl )

^just like that car runs train in 4th, STis run train in 5th.

Example of how stupiddddd short 4th gear is in STis (roll on in third, lets out at top of 4th):

You can clearly see that if the car is super laggy and/or shifting isn’t instant, boost will go bye-bye, as will power, and as will the race

Another vid I found, 1st through 6th, car doesn’t look that fast but you can still see how 5th would be money:


The 5th gear on the STI might be a strong, power gear but the car was built for rally just like you said…and compare it to a car like mine that is built a little bit differently…my 1-4 gears pull the same in 5th. Although this wasnt until I did the 4.10’s. With 3.42’s it was a dog in 5th because 5th is a over drive and 6th is a double over drive…

It makes very little sense to me that a rally inspired vehicle would excel @ high speeds… but if you say so. I still think Drew’s car will walk all over it even worse at those speeds.

I dunno the exact comparison between fuckin platforms, but in respect to 1-4, 5th gear in an STi is strong :lol

transmission 6-Speed Manual-

gear ratios 2.66:1, 1.78:1, 1.30:1, 1.00:1, 0.74:1, 0.50:1, :1

final drive 3.42:1

of course I dont have the 3.42’s so submit the 4.10’s instead and there you have it.

Sti’s typically lose a little steam when they hit 5th because the gear ratio is a larger jump then 1-4. Notice the first 4 are close to each other and then once in 5th the rpms drop quite a bit.

turbo logic her ppl. ANY longer gear will be/feel faster with a turbocharged vehicle. you are in power longer. Thats why guys go with numerically lower rear end gears in high hp turbo apps. But compared to drew’s car, he will pull just as hard as the sti, so i dont think much ground would have been gained. but who knows, just run em again!!!

It may feel that way, but numerically lower gears are still superior for acceleration. That being said, I have 2.73’s and I’m keeping them… but I also have a stalled auto and never drop below 3500 RPM @ WOT.

The gearing thing is debatable its really more complicated then that. Its ideally suited to the powerband of the engine it may be lower or higher in numbers.


yeah I dont know anything about action, i got more W’s than you’ve had in your career the first year I put my skinny as into my old car. And a well tuned 30r sti will go 118-120+ on pump anyways…so with a driver that can, like kramerbucs said…stay in the boost, make proper shifts and launches would absolutely SHIT on your cameo. sorry. Its facts. No one here is butthurt 'cept you, want to know why? im skinny, I dont own an automatic GM product and I dont live and breath shift518 car forums. Besides…we’ll see whats good next year, better go the route drew did and spray your car so you can pull mad hondas up top…oh wait… n/m…that didn’t work either. And for the record. FUCK roll racing. Ill be on a tire with a FF setup and sitting at a dead stop waiting, this coming season.


rusty are ya gettin a s.t.i ??? ill be all for digs wit that man …yes and i have a shitty automatic gm on a little spray:lol

If I recall, I pulled your “honda” up top without the spray…5th gear yankage can be found here…

now, to my guess your going to come in here and give a speech how I wouldnt race a Honda on street tires from a dig in a rwd car, and you gave me a 60 roll and you wanted to go slower…bla bla. We get it. Its old shit. Everyone knows the story. If you want to talk about it again to make yourself feel a little better this evening, so be it.

You think I put spray on my car to “yank honda’s up top”? Really man? dont be dumb. Our cars are proven to run just as well with nitrous as yours do with a turbo. We choose different ways to make power. Who cares?

why Bash the fact im spraying and GM products? are you really that thickly bone headed where you are a die hard honda butt taker and only favor them? every american car is garbage huh? Even the viper you had so much of a hard on to beat from the passenger seat on a 550whp teal hatch? no shit. That car should YANK a viper. Even the owner knew it.

PS, dont talk about about a car you dont own yet…or can back up the shit talking you do at the moment. A year from now, half the people on this forum wont even have the same cars…myself included…



Don’t forget the fact that we aren’t skinny… because that matters too.

Hilarious! 115mph for me was on stock intake, injectors and 93 octane. This run was on e85, Cobra “Blue Giants” and an LS6 intake.

I won. You weren’t there.

I AM fat… but since when does that matter? I think you and Seamus are the only 2 people that have ever given that any thought. Children call people out on being overweight, not adults.

For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t go calling people out for next season already… you never know what’s waiting for you on the other side.



Noobs, you need to participate in a 3 wide 5th gear roll on with hatchback VW’s … :rofl