friday night fun..

are you kidding me? you are sitting here telling me that all my shit comes from my parents? are you fucking kidding me? I work my ass off. I have been sense I was 13 years old. I own everything I own for a reason. Not from mom and dad. NOT from my grandparents…nothing. I work my ASS off and I bet you 100% you dont even know half the shit I do. I have worked 80-90 hour weeks. Week after week. Why? because I have shit I need to pay for. Not my mommy and daddys money buddy…anyone that knows me personally outside of this fuckin forum knows 100% I work my cock off…so for you to comer in here and assume this assload of horse shit that I get everything handed to me, your dead fucking wrong. Dont assume shit you dont know. SORRY I work my ass off to have nice things. I live on my own, I have a fiance, I have a nice car, and I have a nice quad. Get the fuck over it. Not a single dime came from my parents pocket towards ANYTHING…and when I did need financial help, my parents did upfront me the money, but they were paid back in full in within the next few months. its non of your business anyways. You prolly dont even know what my career is.

My dad did discipline the shit out of me…you have no idea…however, he also taught me not to take bullshit from assholes, which happens to be the category you fall under. I dont like ya (obviously) so im going to be a 100% dick to ya. That’s just the way it is. I was taught if I dont get respect, dont give it back…you have had a issue with me sense day one…which seems it was before I even knew who you were. Kinda odd.

yah, my spray was almost out. Did I want to use it on burnall4’s evo? no. I wanted to play with that turbo s2k which I fucking told you. Dont flip shit around to make it seem like I am the bullshiter, story maker. Bottles do go empty buddy. BTW, which cars pulled me that night you were “there”? because the only one that did, was the turbo S2k out of the 3 honda’s I ran…and He only pulled me one run out of 3…gets your facts right bud, or get your eyes checked.

pretty Ironic how your calling me the punk when your the one saying I have little man syndrome and you would smack me around…

you can say whatever you want after this post. Im not going to keep going back and forth about this bullshit. I dont like you, you dont like me. Got it. Leave it as it is.

Sincerely from the last view you saw…

can someone make me chocolate chips cookies with all of your cookie cutters?


I’ve only got snickerdoodles. This thread makes me want to get AEM and have my car tuned so I can run with the lower bracket cars.


eat my chode

Fuckers, now I REALLY want milk and cookies. Chewy Chips Ahoy for the all time win.

hey! 2 out of 3 and the 1st one was not much of a race until we were both eatting other cars bumpers. But i will say the second drew was not spraying.:lol

What 30r sti’s lol

SSSSSmokin i am calling you out 40 to 120 this week you better be out or else.

Real talk ITT

or else what?


Have you made changes to your car, skateshelter? If so, I think he’d be more apt to take the race.

Yes i did.

Or else we fight hAHAHAHAHA

no way

oh shit, gonna be a brawl!



no, seriously.

Im going to Boston tomorrow night for a few days.I am actually loosing interest in going out and doing runs and shit. Its all getting old. I haven’t even drove my car in a week and don’t really plan on driving it for a while.