friday night fun..

not without 5 years of ballet your not…

Im just kidding man lol i need a clutch for my car anyways im not really looking to run it any more over winter im going with a diffrent setup.

O rly? what are we doing?

I’M building him a 35r out of old lawnmower parts

I will text you latter about what i have in mind.


ahhhh got it.

Strong PJB

I still hate you!

I’d be down to throw ssmokinss through a berriearhh.

let me know.

Did this car not have a new clutch put in it within the past year? :rofl

no, its just got an exedy stage one full-face sprung.

Nah he decided not to change the roasted clutch when he had the engine out :rofl

pulled a dkid on that muthafuckah

pulled worse shit than that :rofl

bob had the clutch in his hand “yo brah you should prolly throw a new one in there”

“nahhhhhhhhhhh, 'sall good”

“okay brah you mad right now”

Best part was his dad was going to give him money for one and he still said no. :facepalm

No no no listen my dad was not gonna give me any money for the clutch or i would have done it. I knew what i wanted to do when i pulled the motor just didnt have the money to do everything so i just did what i had to do to get the car up and running.

I was talking about DKID :rofl

ooo k lol my bad