fried my dashlights and taillights!

one of the wires must have come undone behind my cd player last night and it killed my dash lights and my tailights. the brake lights work but no parking or signals. i checked all the fuses, they are all good and i looked in my book to see which one is for the parking lamps and dash and it was fine too. any ideas what could be the problem???

did you reconnect the wire? im assuming so. check the fuse on the back of the radio if its an aftermarket radio. replace the fuse anyway for the dash/parking lamps just for shits and giggles

Check the splice for the backlight for the CD player. Sounds like the wire they tapped into for that has been cut. Look for the lazy man special, those little crimp on splicers on the cd player line for the backlight connection, and if you find one remove it and properly splice and solder the connection.

i got it fixed…i did some research and it turns out it had soemthing to do with my wipers.:bloated: but anyways it blew the wipers fuse and i didnt check that under the hood. so i replaced it and that did it.

^ judging by that was this a honda?
