Friendly callout: people in the 12'ish?

I’m only going to come to buffalo if its worth my time, my roommate is dropping his car off at innovative, and i assume we will do mighty afterwards. My car isnt too comfy for driving long distnaces, so I want to have fun if i’m coming out.

I’m gonna give choda a call now and see what he’s up too.

And to answer yoru question where, I dont know, i’m not too familiar with buffalo. Some place easy to get too preferably.


it’s dry. i’m on campus, bring it bish

Cool, I’ll probalby be down in a few hours. My speedo doesnt work, and i’m leaking coolant, so I have to be careful :stuck_out_tongue:



Check my away message for my phone number, i’m on my way down.


I’m here, at innovative. Anyoen still up for this? WEather is still dry. WE are going to mighty if you want to meet up with us.

Crap, I didtn know they were logged on. This is neonglh.


i’ll try and make it up there … i can run 12’s … however there’s a chance of showers and i have to order my tires yet…

Welp, I got to race john tonihgt, thats it.

I am not in the 12’s but I will run ya anyway. Let me know.

Probably too late now. I think last night was the last good night we will have. :frowning:

i would have come out to play but im done for the season. we’ll do this come april/may :slight_smile:


i would run ya but no heat and using my back up clutch prob aint ganna cut it. but let me know if anyone is meeting up wiht u i may try to bring the car out one last time.

I think last night was the final nail in the coffin for the season. Traction loss is at an all time high with this combination of intake temps and road temps. We’ll see what happens, but its probably going to be on a warmer day!


shitty…it was 87 degrees out down here today :slight_smile:

move to Florida and race all you want it’s easy…

Gota love AWD this time of year, and all winter to for that matter.

I got AWD too, but not going to race anyone, unless they run 16’s :smiley:



HAHA Winter Call Outs…Try to get your car running in the summer and i’ll pawn your ass!!!

:mamoru: I think Mark will be more than happy to take that challenge.