
thats true. My reunion is coming up, about 130 people responded to the face book RSVP… they sent the save the date cards and asked for payment $50 a head by the 16th for an all you can eat/drink joint… 5 responded, so its getting canceled.

Most of the “friends” I had in HS, 10 years ago, still live at home, racked up serious school debt to finish college/attempt to… and still work at minimum wage shit jobs, still think its cool to party all night and get obnoxious, more or less havnt grown up at all. I see them out, say hi how are you how have you been… thats it.

my real friends I can call any time, any day to pull my car out of a ditch, will drive an hr or so to come help me with a moments notice, and I would/have done the same for them.

This is also why I dont see myself moving away, or if I do it will be very hard for me I think.