
thats true. My reunion is coming up, about 130 people responded to the face book RSVP… they sent the save the date cards and asked for payment $50 a head by the 16th for an all you can eat/drink joint… 5 responded, so its getting canceled.

Most of the “friends” I had in HS, 10 years ago, still live at home, racked up serious school debt to finish college/attempt to… and still work at minimum wage shit jobs, still think its cool to party all night and get obnoxious, more or less havnt grown up at all. I see them out, say hi how are you how have you been… thats it.

my real friends I can call any time, any day to pull my car out of a ditch, will drive an hr or so to come help me with a moments notice, and I would/have done the same for them.

This is also why I dont see myself moving away, or if I do it will be very hard for me I think.

FreakLS7 where you at. :zip

Your priorities change as you get older. Most of your time is dedicated to work, family and home projects so the little remaining time you do have you want to spend with the friends that you really have a good rapport with.

I hear ya man. I still like to partty, but I like to think I have my shit in order.

I have 7,000 friends on Facebook you guys must suck


being in the car business i have a ton of friends even people i never met but when i need something only a very few that i know i can count on…and no psi2high is deff not you since you dont return calls

me too. but I like finer things now. Not that I am a baller by any means, far from it actually. but I dont like dicking with figuring out exactly who owes what when we go out to dinner, just toss in more than you think you should and call it a day. if the girl gets a big tip, maybe more than she deserves who cares. I hate nickle and dimers when I go out. I dont care for “cheap” beer or drinks… I like to enjoy a craft beverage, experience more in life you know. So its a few 10$ beers or $15 drinks a night, instead of 20 happy hour specials slammed to get drunk in an hour. I also have a short fuse for deadbeats and disrespectful people. So if someone bumps into me or my wife at a bar, and doesnt say sorry, or worse yet acts like a dick about it, shit goes off quick I guess. If some tool hits on Steff, or my other none single girl friends, and they kindly tell them I am not single, or I am not interested, and it keeps going to the point that I am told about it, again, I dont stand for that shit. I guess I demand more respect from people the older and wiser i get. I dont look for confrontations, not at all, but I feel the need to deal with them if they come to me. I am out to enjoy my time and the company of others who feel the same way… if you dont fit into that gtfo when you are kindly asked to.

Edit, re reading that, dont think it wasn’t directed to you. More so i meant i agree. I like to go out too, but like you said, in a respectfull and upstanding way showing people you have your shit in order.

i have no friends anymore…i have a girlfriend

I’m married. I don’t even have acquaintances anymore.





+1. ive only been outta college for a month or so and i see it happening already. its a slow process but you definetly find out who is your friend and what not

11 years out and I talk to zero of the peeps I went to school with.
You have friends in high school, then you have real friends after high school.

More recently I’ve stopped giving a fuck what others do or think and just went my own way.

mite as well be married on my end lol

No you are not the only one. I was trying to explain this yesterday before the hyenas began posting

my friends are limited because im a asshole. I do anything for anyone, but I cut that shit quick when I need something done and no one wants to do it.

I find most my friends, are my chick and my 4 cats lol

as far as still having good friends from high school, I have one and its for a reason. Just like Mike said, all the others are in debt, still at home, not doing anything with their lives. This is why I weeded out the friends. I can say tho that within the last few years I have met some pretty good dudes.

I hear ya man. Since i left for the army 3 years ago i can really tell who my real friends are. They made an effort to keep in contact, while other dudes just hit me up when im home to party.