
One of the funny things that I look at is all the people I called friends years ago, I now look at and hate their “kind”.

What’s even funnier is all the people who didn’t like you in HS want to be your friends on Facebook. WTF?

Now that I’m successful (and most of them aren’t - as Krazy said) and not an immigrant families youngest wearing walmart clothes I’m cool enough to be your friend? F YOU. :rofl

I am constantly denying friend requests from people from HS. I also only have 2 friends I think that would be willing to help me no matter the situation and I the same for them.


fb wasn’t intended to show how many friends you have…its about being in contact with people you cant see or dont have time to see…you can find out how they are doing, who they are dating, where they are working etc… all the people you are truely friends with, you shouldn’t have to look at their page to find out…its not about telling someone you wont be friends with them b/c “i remember how mean you were in school”. If they truely are “bad people” thats another reason, but to do it b/c they picked on you for no good reason than to make themselves feel better. people do mean shit in hs, alot of the time for laughs. I cant tell you how many people that were assholes in school friend request me on fb…if theyve changed their ways and im somewhat interested in how they are, why not…yah know?

There’s a lot of truth around surrounding yourself with successful people…


thanks PJB

Fuck yesss. I only started this face book shit about 5 months ago. I friended maddd people in my class to see what they are doing now. The skinny ones are fat, most of the fat ones are still fat. The most of the hot ones are not anymore, the skanks have kids, and/or one or more divorces. The smart ones with straight A’s spent major money on college and are either unemployed, or not working in the field they just dropped 40K+ on. The “cool” kids that you didnt get along with karma kicked them in the nuts.

On the flip side, there are some very successful people, but very few of them were the ones that everyone “expected” to succeed… many were the average joes, that were respectful and just blended in to the middle of the halls in school.

fishin buddiezzzz 4 lyfe man! :hug

Which is why Facebook is silly. It’s a big gossip network on the people you’re familiar with but could care less about, except for a very few.

I wrote a long paper on this back in the day how American concept of a “friend” is quite loose and the lifestyle of always moving around and going away to college doesn’t allow you to have many real life long friends, just plenty buddies you can’t rely on.

With that said, my core group of friends Ive known since the first year I came here. I still remember Cossey in 7th grade being crazy about skylines and dirtbikes :rofl