From CNN: Bush says results of hurricane response 'not acceptable'

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The republican party practically worships money and wealth. Listen, I know this is a tough one to swallow but hear me out. The republican party doesn’t give a rats rear about Christian values, guns, unborn babies, or taxes.

They use these issues to BUY votes so they can push their real agenda which is MONEY MONEY MONEY.

you can break whats already broken. This is WAY WAY FAR from being over, he’s behind right now, doesn’t mean things can’t turn out a lot better. Those people aren’t making it easy to get themselves help acting like savages. But I guess when you are used to that government handout, you expect it on the 1st and the 15th.For the most part the people that have jobs and are respectible citizens got out and all that was left were the people that live off of us. 70% of NO is black so there were 100,000 of working blacks that got out. I feel bad for the ederly and the kids not old enough to know any better that got stuck there, everyone else…well maybe selling drugs, or living off the system isn’t all its cracked up to be.


Thats a hell of an assumption to make.

if i was bush i would get set to do a MAJOR apology to the National Gaurd in Louisiana. His stupid ass sent over A THRID of LA’s National Gaurd to IRAQ. Honestly, how can you people even support Bush? Unemployment reached a 4 year low at 4.9 percent, NOT INCLUDING KATRINA’S IMPACT, Gas Prices are up, how many more fuckups is it going to take for you people to realize Bush cares nothing about making money. he doesn’t give a ratsass about the united states. he’s finishing “daddy’s war”, well really, Iraq will never go away, we should just pull out now and save lives.

as far as the Mayor of NO…GOD BLESS HIM! I am so glad he lashed out at Bush, FEMA, and all associates in the government. 4 fucking days to get water and food and neccessary supplies…people, kids elderly were fucking DYING while waiting for help. I am apalled at the response. FEMA is a big fucking joke too.

holy hell, dont even get me started on this…i cant stand it anymore, i donated to 96.1’s thing they did the other day, and I felt good about myself, i remember all the help i got when we lost our home in the flood, and we didnt see ANY congressmen that came down to visit the site

i dont understand how we can pass bills like likity split, how we can give so much money to New York and Iraq to rebuild them, yet we can’t even give money to our own cities…YES they did pass a 10.5 MILLION Bill as a “down payment” but please…that’s a FUCKING JOKE. Katrina did BILLIONS worth of damage. The whole Gulf is ran by Casino’s. 10.5 Million is a fucking petty “down payment” compared to what we gave New York and Iraq…


OMG you are so anti-american!!! how can you talk about our beloved President like that!!!

how about this…“Bush vows New Orleans will be ‘great’ again”…wow…with about half the city in poverty…it was really great…or is that how Bush sees being great…if its not 100% in poverty…then its great!

and you know what…maybe the dollar of gas increase is cause of the hurricane…but why the fuck was it at 2.45 to begin with??? cause we are at war with the middle east…same shit happened during desert storm

and he couldnt even talk to that sheehan lady that camped outside his house…BECAUSE HE HAS NO EXCUSE FOR THE WAR!!!

Think back to the Daddy Bush / Clinton race…Clinton won because Bush didnt send enough help! DUBYA is a joke. why dont we have our NATIONAL GUARD over in our NATION where they belong???

half the place was in poverty cause motherfuckers don’t wanna work!!!

and 4 days to get people food and water to people that are shooting at you, i think thats pretty good.

hahah ok dude, i’m going to let my friend Tim take over my posting…

as much as i hate to say it… he’s right. maybe a couple state senators or representatives are legit… but no one of bigtime value to teh GOP is real

just read Karl Rove Bio

but at least they’re not stupid… which the democrats are… i’d rather piggyback off rich ass sly motherfuckers than follow and idiot every day of the week

I agree with my friend’s beliefs on what a horrible job the President has done about this whole hurricane situation…again he doesnt understand whats going on(just like he doesnt understand how it feels to lose a son or a close relative to his war)

…so if I agree with my friend…that would make me “anti-american” right???

…Let me introduce myself…I am Recruit Timothy Tomayko of the United States Air Force set to leave for Basic Training on October 18th, 2005 then later leave for Keesler AFB(hit hard by the hurricane) to begin my M.O.S. training of Air Traffic Control…

…So go ahead…call me an “anti-american” for willing to fight for our country even though I dont believe in whats being done or how the President handles everything

-----Fighting for my Country…not for my president

i’d pat you on the back but you seem to have that covered already.

holy shit. someone in the army that doesnt like our president? you have to be the most anti-american person on here!

(since you’re new, I’ll let you know that my statement is completly sarcastic and Im totally on your side. Theres lots of idiots on here, so beware)

and you say im an asshole. Here’s someone who’s actually out doing something but doesnt like the president, and you still come up with a way to bust balls. And you have the gaul to go around calling other people anti-american. Hilarious.

there is something called being modest. No I really do appriciate every single soldier fighting. My Cousin is over there right now and stop my work everynight at the ball game to go out and think about what that means during the national anthem. i just don’t like when people use it to make a point.

where exactly in his post was he being unmodest? and he used it to make a point totally relevant to the conversation. I see no problem here

back where he posted about feeling good he donated. thats great but no need to add that.

One of you cheap fuckers come up with some money to ban my ass. how much more do i gotta piss people off. Its for a good cause.


Not worth posting in this thread

So I see you have started yet another BS thread on how you are right and the rest of the world is wrong… BLAH BLAH BLAH

Darkstar: You talk about how bad everything is run so much you sit here on computer complaining ALL day long, typing your threads defending yourself and your thoughts. You wanna make a difference in the world? Go start lobbying for the things you believe in…Try to get people to listen to your thoughts. Go down and help those people in N.O. I am sure the pool can handle itself for a few days. If you have such issues get off your ass and do something about it. Maybe you should grow some balls and bitch up like Tim did…I mean shit if your so tough on here running your mouth - I am sure you can handle a little 5am PT running your ass off 7 or so miles with about a 150 pound rucksack on your back… Of course start running your mouth there and you have a pissed off squad and an even more pissed of Drill Sargeant that will make you run all over again…

Do you all even KNOW what truely goes on in Iraq? Or are you all blowing shit out of your ass yet again? I have seen pictures of the shit that goes on, I hear stories that go on from SOLDIERS themselves. Not what the media wants you to see or believe ect… For this guy Tim …Good for you, way to bitch up to protect your country and thank you for in the future keepin my ass free to type this post in English.

Anyhu, You all might not like the president but I certaintly hope you appreciate the ones fighting to keep your mouths running the way it does.