Front Bumper Repair *Updated with pics*

Ok so now looking at it and the area that my car was parked it seems that one of those small snow plows hit the front end and thats what gouged my front bumper like this here are the pics. How bad dose this seem? What would you do in this situation. I am going to see if I can find out who plows the area it happend in since it was in a parking lot.

if you were planning on doing a kit anyways then leave it until you do…

Ya I guess so I might just have to push forward the whole getting on a kit before other things. Not a good week thats all I can say.

fiber class it up if it bothers you… then sand it down or what not if that also bothers you…

but like bing suggested… if buying a body kit/front bumper then just leave it

Sorry to hear dude, that kinda stuff is not fair…see if you can track 'em down…


you should just track them down for the sport, tell them to pay for the damage, go to a body shop tell them youll split the cash from the repair bill with them and leave the car alone and sign it off as fixed then get a better body kit.

take pictures etc and document it all. try to find out who plows the area in the parking lot and see if u can get them to pay for damages. If u didnt try and contact them on the spot right when u discovered the damage u most likely will have problems getting someone to own up to it unless u get a “witness”. In parking lots its usually “no fault” so u could consider going to your insurance co. but make sure u have a witness if u do. in terms of repair, i definitely wouldnt fix it. get whatever money u can out of this and go body kit.

easy fix… 1-2hrs max and a pack of fiber glass…

put it through your insurance and it’ll probably go up

odds of tracking down dude who hit you wont be easy… getting money out of them if you do track them down might be even harder…

“i know a dude who was in your situation” and he suspect his neighbor cause he had bumped into his car once and said nothing… so another time he had a crack in his front bumper almost like you… but it had paint from buddies truck all over it! and even with that as prof dude still said it wasnt him and wouldnt pay for it or anything.

people can be such pricks!

Well hey if you want to help me understand better how to fix this I would be interested to hear from ya.

It should be a pretty easy fix:

  1. Sand it down
  2. Use some bondo/fibreglass to fill in the damaged area
  3. Sand again until smooth
  4. Repaint.
