Frostline question: Hole diggers come inside!

I’m putting up a fence. How deep is the frost line in WNY?

36" min, typically 40" for a post hole depth

id go with the 40 just to be safe, mayb a little bit deeper.

I always go at least 36" just to be sure. Better to be safe than sorry.

Fuck that’s deep. I got the first section of fence in, even straight and everything. Now Bud Light for dinner and I’ll be refueled for the rest of the night. Thanks for the info guys. :tup:

the one we just pulled out at our new house was 48" way extreme

It is 42" but you really don’t need to go that deep.

I had to put my water line at 48" deep!!!

so what did this fence do to you?
and if you need some lime I’ve got it

i go 6 inches deep cause thats all i got :frowning:

ive never encountered frost that deep. Zwarbyt: i think the frost was about 6" deep this year with all that warm wheather we got.

if youre gonna be digging even for a fence you guys should call and make sure the utilities are marked out so you dont hit anything. Seriously

^Good tip. I just found the conduit that runs power to my garage! No damage, just found it at the edge of my fence post hole. :stuck_out_tongue: Of course now I’m gun-shy and taking my time with ever root I encounter, which is probably a good thing.


My friend just hit a gas line on Wednesday. I ended up having to go back and finish the job on Friday after the gas company, fire trucks and police got done evacuating the apartment complex we were working in!!! Whoops!!!

Yea, anytime you do any major diggin call the uhm… yea, crap I forgot whom, but they will come out within a day or 2 and mark your entire yard with everything underground for free.

Also, when doing more than one or 2 of these deep holes for a fence or deck posts; I’ve always pre-laid out where I want the poles, and go rent a power-augger for a day, it’s SOOOO worth the $100 or so; you can get all the holes dug in a day, and not be completely dead to the world. Plus the auggers are typically almost the perfect size for the concrete inserts if those are being used.

Dig Safe NY site ^^^^

Almost done. Definitely didn’t put any of the posts 36+ inches down. 24" is about where I said “Fuck it. Close enough.” I only plan on living here for a few years anyways. :stuck_out_tongue: I wound up with too big of a gap where I put the gate, but better than having too small of a gap and not being able to fit the gate at all. Plus the gap isn’t big enough for my fiance’s 4 pound dog to fit through. All in all, it’s turning out pretty good for my first time doing something like this on my own. Man if I had a nickel for every time I’ve said that since I bought my house I’d be rich. :lol: