frostwire help

how would i go about transferring all my frostwire files to itunes so i could sync them to my ipud?
im really confused about the whole “sharing” thing frostwire recommends…
they say if i do the sharing thingy it will make my files open to the local network and i would be able to inport files on to a mobile device…

after 20mins of sharing folders and all this shit i tryed the ole click and drag and it worked…

WTF is frostwire.

you dont know what frostwire is???
its like a less shitty version of lime wire.

Soulseek FTW

Ever been looking for a super rare song or Band? Soulseek will have it.

never heard of it. ill have to check it out…

be sure to forward your ports too for better results.

always do =) one thing i could use help on tho is setting up a static ip address

turn off DHCP and manually assign IP addresses to each machine.

ah… that sounds like a pain in the ass.

I leave mine on dynamic…