Networking Question

long sotry short, i am out of room on my hard drive. since i dont have money to get a new one right now, i decided to network my 2 computers (i already had all the cables and router to do this, so it didnt cost me anything), with the intnetion of having all of my music stored on Computer A, and then be able to run iTunes on Computer B, but have my library run out of Computer A (make sense?).

So, i got the computers network, and set up file sharing, and trasfered all my music to a share folder, and then copied it all onto Computer A’s Hard Drive. I then put it in another share file, so it would be sharing it from Computer A rather than Computer B. I then loaded my music up to iTunes out of the share folder from Computer A, however it gets dumped back onto the hard drive of Computer B, which is exactly what i DONT want. if anyone can offer some advice, i would appreciate it. sorry if that all seemed a bit confusing.

itunes sucks that is all

If I remember correctly Itunes allows you to ‘preview’ content from another machine, but unless it is ‘hosted’ on your machine. you cannot transfer it to your player.

Fightin MIke, I think if the songs are shared via a mapped drive you can do it… just not with the itunes sharing function.

Dodge mike… Open itunes and go to preferences… In one of the tabs (It’s advanced on macs… I dunno about PC’s) Uncheck copy music to iTunes Music Folder when adding to library…
You may also want to change your library, that way it will copy any new songs you acquire to the network drive.