Transferring music through a wireless home network?

Ok, so I have well over 2k in songs on my homes desktop computer, and I’ve had my laptop for a while and I’m sick of downloading all of the music over.
Is there a way that I can remove the music from my home computer and put it all onto my laptop through the wireless network btwn my computer and laptop?

any help is much appreciated. This will make putting music on my ipod easier as my old one shit the bed, and I don’t want to sort thru my parents and sisters music to get all of mine everytime I break an ipod.

yeah put in your shared documents folder. if you have a network set up that is.

Do I look up my networks and then shared documents? and will I be able to have this music when I’m not connected to this network?


just share the folder, make sure youre on the same network, go to ‘my network places’ then copy it to a folder on the other computer.

its just like copying things between folders on the same computer.

yes its very simple to do

Ftp server and FTP over!

I use windows media center.

Awesome guys! Thanks alot for the info.