frozen windows/doors. not good. BMW content

I know what ya meant ya fuck :lmao


Yeah, every car under 50k sticker is pretty much junk in some way.

Let’s call it even.

went out to my car lil bit ago, saw that i had some chap stick. haha added a little b4 i get to pops house. he has the white lightning.



PJB post of the year??

yay! what do i win?

a brick of cheese

fuck yeA!!! then ill go to the gym, bother Emanuel and Adam and proceed to bike 400 miles a week. win win

Sounds like a dumper

i mean its no civic or anything but she will do.


It’ll still happen in an ice storm but the door will still open and close fine. Just be careful closing it if you’re door is tweaked and doesnt close right in the first place.

you know what? YES! i totally agree with this statement. even if u meant it in a sarcastic way, id still agree with that. mine comes with double door seals, thick door frame, solid tank doors, triple metal hunges that u can hang the car from and its awesome!

And reverse rake :facepalm

There are plenty of nice cars under 50K, kind of a blanket statement there :lol

im working on that. i totally didnt think that the front wont go low like the back did. ill prolly just swap springs and go lower, i guess. fuck practical, slam it, right? :thumbup

Adam, You have a reverse rake in your sig pic :lol

Is your clutch stock?
I hate the clutch (Zoom) in my Mustang and I really wish it had a hydraulic clutch.

My Elantra’s clutch was so easy to press in and the Mustang’s clutch is alot harder and requires alot more effort.

You bother me there too.

And wtf were you clowns looking at me and laughing for tonight? Was it what you did or something I did?

:wierd Uhhh :lmao

Whoa easy roid rage!! :lol

Well I saw both of you keep doing it while I was on the bike and all I was doing was riding the bike and reading a magazine.

I wasnt roidin out tonight but there was a guy there that was definately on something. All tweaked out and he’d just start dancing and sometimes singing and hanging off machines in weird ways.