Can you guys just stop msg me here, I have had enough of your gay 240sx comments if you want to chat some meet me in markham or something. You guys with your nice 240’s must hide or something because every time we meet up you always get shit on. Get real guys your cars are slow, not even worth my time if you wanna talk lets do it in person, I dont deal with internet tough guys. You small dick asians must have something to prove, no wonder no real racers like you fags, your all a discrace. Where are you guys going to race me? On noob hot lap days? You guys dont even know what cars I have, go home little boys come talk to me when you have some real cars worth my time. Even my winter beater gtir will shit on you. Enough forum talk get a life guys go get laid its fucking saturday stop sitting on ur computer talking shit, I got shit to do ill be in markham if you wanna come act like rude boy just leave me a number ill call once im in the area. If you really got something to prove dont say " oh wait till next year we’ll race " are you fucking gay?
Who are you to disrespect us with your faggit comments. Your shits pussy and you know it. Leave now and take your piece of shit with you.
LOL bring your cars next year…winter is here thats why you got such a big mouth…and no im not asian you racist fag
Can people that are actually interested, get some new pictures of this car? I was actually interested before this drama started.
the car isnt worth it man, and thats the truth
“Anyways I am not going to post anything more for you guys because I guarantee none of you can afford this car, so to the guy who actually has the cash, come to my shop, you can see everything on the hoist, I will show you the list of brand new parts, dyno sheet, cert, e tested, receipts, if you want to change parts for anything else I have in stock that is fine, I got a big list to choose from. You guys should really meet people and see whats really good before you start talking shit, I understand why you guys have such a bad rep. PM me a contact number and we will have a real talk, I refuse to read anymore dumb comments from numb-skulls with more rust then brains.”
^^^^ totally unnecessary…I would normally comment but this is self explanitory
Goddamnit i just wanna see the lowenharts
man jsut gtfo, NO ONE is going to by this car that is on this forum or knows someone on this forum becuase as soon as someone thinks about buyin it its gunna get pointed out that you are a sketchy motherfucker to deal with, i mean look at this thread, 4 pictures of ur dubs intercooler wing and paint. Who is gunna take this seriously? for 15 gs u better post up pictures of every fuckin part, specially those areas that “shitty rust bucket s13’s are famous for”. your talkin out your ass man, theres so many s13’s on this forum id take before yours.
bottom line, if your gunna fuck with people by sellin them a $15k car you prolly shouldn’t post up on a forum where alot of people know each other, or just dont be a complete dick about it by askin double the price you originally paid.
If ur gunna add 8 g;'s to the price tag you should have invested another 15g’s man, this isnt NFS everydollar you put in you dont get back, if that was the case ud see a hell of alot more s13’s and 14’s goin in the 15-20k range.
But hey thats just my .02, but on another note if u keep ur $7000 dubs ill give u 7 for the car, fair right?
I was actually going to post a bunch of pics and video’s of the car running but before I could do anything I have people making assumptions and talking shit, so I am just not down. I am definitely not a sketchy person to deal with, I make my customers smile. From my experience if someone was actually serious about the car, they would just leave me a number, ask me to send them some pics. Anyone who was asking questions about the car I dont think had any interest in buying it, this is just a waste of my time. If someone actually came in person they would think differently. Lets get real look at the market of s13’s around ontario, doesn’t matter if you got the cash its hard to find a real good s13 these days. I dont know why you guys are getting so offended, I want 15,500 period. If your not interested then why even waste my time I know someone will buy it. If the few people wasn’t so rude from the start then I would have been interested in selling it here, but no thanks, none of you have even seen the car, just because I put this post up as soon as I got it too ontario and only had time to take pics at night doesn’t mean anything. Don’t assume things about cars you haven’t seen in person. Ask nice next time thank you.
Ummm, we’re not alll out to hate.
I would like to see some photos of this car please. I really really like most Lowenhart Wheels and would possibly be interested in buying them…or trading you a MINT 1999 Civic Si for em. Stock.
PS: If you want MAGAZINE quality photos of this car for FREE. email me at: and we’ll set it up. or call me at: 416.846.6754.
Serious offer here.
lol mark…
i wanna see lowenharts too, op dont take offense to this just post more pics and a complete mod list, if not to sell, just to show that the car is worth the money your asking, honestly i like it because off the dubs lol, but i am a southern boy so its expected. lol
wtf is with people and orange?
when you paint a car orange 95% of people (prospective buyers) will be disgusted by it;
therefore it lowers the resalability of the vehicle…
orange cars should come with a $2500 discount to remove hiddeous paint
being classy ain’t easy, but neither is pimpin’
sorry your thread is a pile of poop now
at the starting of the thread he said he paid the improter to install everything
why the fuck would you pay someone if you own and run your own shop???
why sir why
^^ +1
zinggg! this mans throwing zingers
iv met this guy and i know where he lives if anyone is interested lol
Please dont put em on ur coupe…
I was in quebec, had a long drive home. Make sense?