FS: 1994 Mitsubishi 3000GT

before i sold mine, i pieced most of a tt kit together for about 500 bucks. all i needed were turbos, misc oil lines / coolant lines, oil pan and an ecu. people sell everything you need for about 1200 - 1500 all the time. save up another 1000 or so and pick up some dsm turbos instead of the tiny stock 9b’s to shoot for around 400 wheel. run DRs and youre cookin.

i think youll have this sold if the price was lowered. i know a couple people selling converted n/a’s to vr4 that are selling for 6000

as i have said many times before i cannot lower the price seeing as how i owe exactly $5000 and im not really looking to lose money on this sorry









soooo clean

94 glass headlights FTW!

how much for rims?

the bitches love it. i know… i get to ride around in it and yell at them out the windows.

that is one clean fuckin car man , soo nice GLWS.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:27,topic:24980"”]

how much for rims?


ahem… youre already buying mine…arent you?

i dont really want to sell the rims i just want to sell the car

hey my name is dan too and my friend marty told me u were selling it and i know i seen it around before cause i live near hamburg i got your # so ill give ua call soon i wanna come out and look at it just need your address and stuff


hehe want a golf :]

:tup: to whoever bought this


:tup: to whoever bought this


it was you wasn’t it? sick of the Z and giving it to me?


it was you wasn’t it? sick of the Z and giving it to me?


yeah give him the Z. then he can sell it and buy a bike for me…haha…sigh…

do you actively stalk every single one of dan’s posts?

still for sale?

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