FS: 2003 Dodge SRT-4 - Financing Available ~$250/month

im working on it theres definatly no need to be a dick to me tho man

Will you two get a room already?

??? r u kidding u started it

u payin?




OMGGGGGGG that was yours? hahaha snap at least your trying to upgrade to a neon:mamoru:

Fuccck thats funny I think I’ve seen that car driving down transit :eekdance:

haha jeffy i love your raaarrr HAHAHAHAH- thats a cody laugh lol

yo its frank you tool

neons r fun every1 makes fun of them till they lose 2 one…then they still make fun of u

beck is a legit dude someone buy this car

^word^ and stop the nonsense is this thread

i was talking about jeff…who posted the picture frank…so go study for something so it dosent take you 10 hours for another test lol

hey at least I show up to my classes and don’t blow threw a test just to get another fix you sumbitch

haha i wouldent be talking too much about gettin a fix lol dont be hatin fitch

its been been like a month and its killin me haha seriously gotta get this thread back to topic for Beckington’s sake… Ok douche buy his stage 2 neon now so you can pull me for once in your life.

yea yea yea all talk with your tune and front mount…i dropped higher numbers on the dyno bitchh

nobody beat gary diesel with the whopping 1000 hp on the dyno u son o bitch