FS:2004 Aspen white STI

Did you put this on nasioc?

damn, 19k is insane.

ha a subaru that blew up whoda thunk it

Keep it in OT, not in the classifieds section. :Idiots

not yet I have ZERO posts on nasioc, but it’s on buffalo scooby!




If you want I can throw it up on Nasioc for you. Let me know

I have an account but working 12hr days thoroughly owns me right now. I’ll get to it soon enough.

Thanks though!

EDIT: yeah I already said that, LOL… but all I need to do is post in 3 threads and I can then post in classifieds… I have grand plans of getting some shit done this weekend so we’ll see what happens.

bump for a clean car. GLWS

bump for the white version of my car. (and untoasted) GLWS.

If this is still around in June then it’s good as gone. We can’t swing the money until then, though. :frowning:

After droppin the price into the teens I have sparked some interest. Not to mention every time I drive it I tell myself not to sell it.

Most likely it will either be sold by then… unless I decide to keep it LOL


My brother will pay cash, no loan csbs for us. Hence the wait, haha.

Bump for more parts ordered and another potential buyer via autotrader.

Is this thing still for sale?

It’s sold. I guy from PA ended up driving out and picking her up the same day.
