FS: 2005 Ninja 250 $2200

o ya… we will see… what u wanna get???

take this shit to pms if you insist on talking to each other, this is a for sale thread. bump for chris.

done and done for the little school girl.

this is a long shot question, but hows insurance on these? ive been debating whether or not i want to get back into bikes again, i miss my dirt bikes soo much, and this would be a great starter bike to get back into it. mind you, im only 19 tho.

depends … most people dont get any coverage on their bike… so U would probably only pay… around… 200$ a year… I just got insurance on my bike and it was really high… like 1500$ but thats only because its fully covered… and my first year out.

tis tis… no need to get grumpy.

whats the best bet for new riders to go with for insurance on bikes? i know geico has motorcycle insurance but idk anyone else

I agree… i think this would be a good bike to start with, Something inexpensive and easy to ride. Buy it!

progressive… thats who i went threw… and I know for a fact… if u just get basic… that its really really cheap

im pretty sure geico has the cheapest in the area, but i could be wrong. i think theres a thread about it, the search button is your friend.

how about going through the whole permit/license process? isn’t it “ride along” until you get your license?

either way… its super cheap… so I would def think about getting this bike. Would be something fun for the summer.

yes it is, but to be completly honest, who follows that all the time? i mean how hard is it to find someone whos just going to drive around in a car following you. i would say its better to ride with other people who arent going to be asshats and will actually show you a thing or two. the permit is a one day thing, go to the dmv, take the test and its done just like that.

lol, i think my mom is going to flip when i bring this up tomorrow morning, but fuck her lol, i just talked to my uncle who rides alot with my cousin, he’s for it lol.

you get ur permit… which is like identical to getting ur permit to drive a car… just a stupid quiz that they even let you retake right away if u get to many wrong… and then u can ride as long as someone riding near u has there license

i can vouch for this bike being the perfect starter bike, im looking for my first bike, but i have a good concept and have owned dirtbikes and 3 wheelers, so i know what im doing. (someones going to quote me on that, i know it.)

i told my dad i was buying a bike and he threatened to kick me out, again. its something they will get over quick and just dont be stupid. iv heard/seen too many newbs try to keep up with experienced riders and go down due to lack of experience.

hahhahahahhaha lack of inexperience…!!!:biglaugh:

Buy the bike… my dad was cool with it… my mom just cried… she said she had a daughter and 2 sons, and now she says she has 3 sons and no daughter. Whatever… my bike is yellow and purple… girlie enough i think.

haha my bad, give me a break iv been working at the club all day!