FS: 95 Boosted Del Sol VTEC

bump 8500 obo

keep it

i say keep it too

forget the jetski you would get more use out of the car anyway, i say KEEP IT!

bumppity bump 8,200obo

fuck almost double what you got into it damn lenny be reasonable or just part it out…


So you shit on his thread…then bump it 12 hours later?

its what i do best

:wtf: if ure gonna shit on somebodies thread, then fuckin be accurate with ure facts… :fawk2:


8,000 OBO

bump i have ridden in its mint and its very well built

This is very well put together. Anyone that picks this up will really love it.

egh… nice car but i think 8k is a little high


BUMP…how can u say 8 is too high?

you would be lucky to get 6 mang… but if youre serious about selling it, sell it on ebay… when it comes to dumping money into something and actually expecting to make just about all your money back you are just another :noob:… after you dump money into about 3 vehicles you will realize its just a waste of money, unless you plan on keeping it forever

first of all what are u talking about obviously you dont kno…because im not trying to get back what i got into it buddy…so just stop talking…and second if i would b lucky to get 6 when my shits all done over this past winter and is mad clean and seans ex teg is been turbo for like 4 yrs and has a horribly body and interior and 3rd its 8obo so how about people post in this thread if there serious or have something positive to say…especially you ass!

o shit soooooooooooon. I like ur car lenny and i can vouche for it. I wouldnt give u 8 but i can say that i would most likely give u 7. This build was just finished people!!! You dont have to worry about it blowing up, at least not for a while neway…

Just curious jcuz why do think price is to high i personally dont care for delsols but the car does look clean an put together right so GLWS