Fs: Benson Sleeved 84mm B18c Gsr Shortblock P72 - Pauter, Cp, Acl, Fully Built Block


do you have the receipts for the machine work or sleeving?

there’s sh1t in the oil pump screen… ya im good thanks.

its from a oil pick up i bought used… pic was taken when it was just sittin on there for pics… look its not bolted on :stuck_out_tongue: you must be good, look first, then ask, before saying shit u dont know…

yea it was assembled at rodlands machine shop in warriors mark pa, most state of the art machine shop within 4states… you can call and talk to paul if u want…

looks like leaves :slight_smile:

Thats funny, 2 pics below that there is another pic with the shit still in it and its bolted on.

Gearhead has more mechanical ability in the warm, white stain he left on your mother’s drawers than you will even hope to be able to achieve. Sit down. Shut the fuck up. Show some respect, or find somewhere else to sell your shit.

open deck sleeve ?

yea all pics were taken same time. put on for pics then all taken back off then oil pan put on… tard…

yes open deck, benson makes the best sleeves out there. if you know anything about sleeves youd know how great they are…

research… bumpp

seems to be a stout build, but no offense you seem to be kind of an asshole though. :confused:

bulletproof setup… ppl that run their mouth and dont know what they are talkin about are the assholes and shouldnt open their mouth… bottom line…

bump for a built block!

I feel like I’ve been beaten up for not hearing of these sleeves. 11 posts and you’re kicking my ass. I hope we don’t meet. I don’t run too fast.

haha… you must of not been into hondas for a long time… benson sleeves are the biggest name out there…

haha bump

you’d be correct sir.

yes… bump

u cant really say or have any evidence that there best sleeve out there and its not always the sleeve its who puts them in

hahahahahaha you told vince he must not be into hondas for long

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dont you know he is john force?! :mullet:


id say he knows his shit. the last allmotor setup he had would shit on that thing your selling

then he woulda known what benson sleeves are

laskey racing.com go there