FS: Core Training & workout partner $20 per 30min

I’m offering help to those who are serious about getting fit and ripped. If you’ve wanted to get cut for a while but have really done nothing about it, here’s your opportunity for change.

First Blackjacked workout: FREE

Here you can test the waters. Find out if you like my style of working out, and I can find out a bit about why you want to get ripped. You can tell me what you want (bigger chest, better biceps, 6 pack, the works) and I’ll show you how to do a bunch of exercises that will target those areas. Or you can just join me in my training and you’ll get overall ripped.

Second Blackjacked workout: $20 per 30min.

If you like the style and you want to train with me, I can put together a program for you (based on your requests eg. 6pack, ripped arms etc.) and you can train with me to reach your goal. I’ll workout with you, motivate you, keep you going, and get you cut.

If you have any questions regarding fitness, working out, etc I’ll be more than happy to give you my advice. Send me a pm or an e-mail.

So what are my quals?

  1. Jacked
  2. Ex-National level swimmer
  3. A ton of knowledge on cardio systems, Vo2Max, Lactic Acid buildup, nutritional properties of foods, training techniques, motivational techniques, and coaching
  4. 7 years of intense (up to 5x week) working out with no injury.

This price is discounted by 50% right now because I’m happy that some of the guys I used to swim against (Andrew Hurd and Adam Souix) are competing for team Canada at the Olympics.

Get started now by sending me an e-mail to negative_zero69@hotmail.com, a pm or call 416-845-9690.

I swam competitively for 9 years. Didn’t reach nats though :(.

Im hoping to get back into it, I miss the pool man!

Sounds like you know your shit. Guys, these are good rates here…

Hey Cahill, do you think I’ll be able to get more pussy if I had a six pack?

Just wondering, where would this training take place?

does ur car have a pussy magnet

the training would be at goodlife, extreme or any community centre. I can also work out home training if you want.

in tight spandex ???
see you next weeek

Bro, i was thinking about it, but dont you think 20$ per 30 mins is kinda hot? especially on son?

please don’t post anymore. you are very annoying.

lol stupid go see how much it cost anywhere else
and shit i bet it would be an alot more fun experince with cahill since he is a vetern 240 owner

He should be banned.