FS: Jetta VR6 12V


The bidding is up to $202! :rofl: Sold! Reserve’s at $8k. 10 day auction. We’ll see. If this sells I’m probably going to get an Explorer/Mountaineer.

i put in a bid so at least your price went up a bit

Haha thanks man! I also saw that some jackass named minglor87 bid $666. What a tool… :stuck_out_tongue:

Bump. 101k miles. I put new Kumho SPT’s on this summer. They’re noisy, but have tons of tread left. New brakes too.

$6900. :carnut:

fry youre trading this for an suv…:picard:

An SUV or a wagon.

Buy it. Special price for you: $6899.95.

Bump. An emo highschool kid came and looked at it with his parents today. Said they’d let me know. Anyone else interested in this fine piece of german equipment?

To autotrader it goes.
