BTW - You collar popping faggots… knock that shit off. Its getting old allready.
I like how 2 years ago, no one wore polo shirts… then when they did, they decided to pop the collar.
Why don’t you wear a t-shirt that is XXXXXXXXXL so it goes past your knees? I don’t even know who the hell makes this crap but its gotta stop.
Why don’t you wear a jersey… but only pull it over your head and 1 arm…
Wear all your clothes backwards… or should I say criss-crossed.
Wear your baseball cap to the side… it will provide shade for 1 ear.
Put the waist of your pants below the ass cheeks. This makes pulling them down easier, and walking more difficult. But also provides a reason to grab your crotch. M. Jackson did this with pants that fit… and it looked just as good.
Put a band-aid under your eye… luckily this disappeared fast.
Keep your boots untied… and stretch the tongue to the toe… this way they flop on your feet. Pull the laces out completely.
I like the tennis visors people are wearing these days… along with baseball caps, batting gloves and sweat bands you should wear a cup and jock, some shoulder pads and shin guards. If you are going to be a player and wear some sporting equipment… wear the expensive stuff.
Buy all of the knit winter hats you can and wear them in the summer… and spike your hair out from under it.
… are any of you panzies catching my drift?
Something that has been popular for a long time is wearing clothes that fit, look clean, do not have holes, and are appropriate for the season. I guess that went out with chivalry.
I hope I offended some of you. I hope you think of me when you look in the mirrior… and pop dat collar, crank the hat sideways, and finish putting on your jewelry. You could be wearing a t-shirt, size medium. Levis jeans, size 30 regular fit. No ear rings, no bracelets, no necklaces. You could take off your hat, tighten your belt, and use proper english. But then I wouldn’t have anything to bitch about.
BTW - Hogan - If you didn’t want flaming you should have put it in the classifieds and not Off Topic. I raised a very good topic. A topic that will eventually go away… I hope.
:word: especialy those fags that wear pink…pink is a girl color…im sick of hearing “only real men wear pink” bull shit, real men wear blue and green and black…guy colors, not 5 yr old little princess colors…trends = :gay:
Original rant basically said this - If you keep making faggy, homo clothes popular, the stores are more likely to carry this crap and get rid of clothes that fit, aren’t torn and or ripped, aren’t pre-faded, stretched, pink, and have a low waist line. It makes dressing “normally” very difficult. It should be the other way around. “Your” clothes should be found in Hot-Topic, Spencers, and Phat Mans… like the rest of the trendy crap that won’t mean anything in a year.
The clothing you choose directly reflects what will be available in stores.
EDIT FOR NEWMAN - My use of the terms FAG, FAGGET, FAGET, FAGGOT, HOMO, HOMOS, FAGGETS, FAGETS, FAGGOTS, FAGOTFUCKER, HOMOFUCKINGSEXUAL, FUCKING MOTHER FUCKING HOMO FAGET FUCKER and the like actually have nothing to do with being gay, lesbian, or homosexual. It may offend those who are homosexual but I am using in the sense of being dumb, stupid, or queer. But not queer like queer eye… queer like you newman. And don’t say quell, thats so gay.
i’m having trouble finding clothes that fit me, are un-torn, un-stained, and un-abused. I like the crotch of my pants to be where the crotch of my body is. I like the legs of the pants to be slightly larger than my leg, but not large enough for both legs to fit into one side of the pants. I do not want any additional buttons, pockets, buckles or any type of gadget on my pants that are not necessary for carrying my phone, wallet and keys.
If that makes finding clothes I like more difficult, then yes.
EDIT - I have a 2 o’clock. I will be back in an hour. Your fucking collars better be down when I get back.
I was at the Galleria mall today looking for somthing for my sis for her bday, anywho, every store i went past like abercrombie or american eagle or any of that shit had nothing but faded, ripped jeans in the windows…i got faded ripped jeans…because they are old. i dont see why people spend $80+ on a single pair of shitty looking jeans. Walmart jeans > all!