FS: M3 race car: Ad test thread

It will be on ebay tonight again. Its been listed 3 or 4 times…

I’m considering buying a shell and swapping stuff over so I can drive the damn thing on the street.

What’s the asking price?

Time to whore it out and be done with it.

Or buy mine! :excited

asking 14.5

Find me a shell… don’t make me dd this bitch with lexan windows lol


Get out while you still can.

u dont DD it!

que? can I sell this for 14.5 or is it just going to be more of my hard earned money going to egay?

What has it been listed for before?

I’d sell it asap for whatever someone will pay.

Really no interest at all, a few calls that sound promising but people bail before we even talk price.

That means your price is too high. Dump it.

there it is: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120480440049

My $8koffer still stands.

last day up on ebay… and then I’ll list it again. LOL

$8k. CASH.

straight trade for skyline?

Lower. yo. price.

Do an actual auction with reserve.

It costs 45 cents to do it this way so I’ll try it one more time before doing a 99cent auction with a low reserve.

I dropped the price just a little bit: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120483132545

Good luck with everything!


I’m not selling it for $800!
