FS: Roll Cages

Ok I’m gonna appologize for my defensive outburst last night, I don’t enjoy being preached upon about what is the correct way of doing things and what is not.
I have over 10 years experience in the machining and metal fabrication trade.
There must have been a misunderstanding in what was happening I’ll accept any constructive criticisim, providing its kept clean, like any new product released by any company there will be conflicts of interest. There are plenty of products in the after market industry that I or anyone else may not agree on the design of the product in question, but as a professional I like to keep my comments to my self and take it as a learning experience, If there is any way to better my products in the future I’ll take an idea or opinion, maybe its better or maybe it is not.

This is a public forum where people come and share there opinions, or lend tech help or just to meet people with similar interest.

We will porbally meet down the road at a meet or track day or something.
So lets keep it clean like we’ve been asked by the mods.

Thanks James
NCC Performance