FS: Sabres Game 1 @ Home (up to 4 tickets together)

This thread is full of a whole lot of people that are jealous they didn’t think of it, or get to do it! I wish I was able to get FREE MONEY! I’d love to buy and sell something with a 100% return on my investment, and will jump at the chance any day of the week!

Good luck with your sale, you bastard! I wish I thought of it

^^lol… what are you shocked about.

go to HSBC for game 3 or 4… see what scalpers are asking. You will probably be very shocked there too :stuck_out_tongue:

finally, someone telling the truth and not just hating. :tup:


from an investment stand point good!

Morale stand point… bad.

If you needed money that bad you should have just called me and i would have you put a roof on my house.

just my thought.

Some People earn money by working hard. Others earn money by thinking smart. The really rich people do both.

lol i know a guy that just spent over 700$ on two seats in the harbor club section

lol we got the same shit for trying to make money off xbox360’s… like any of u wouldn’t do the same :stuck_out_tongue:

um, people did the same thing with xbox 360’s. whats the difference? the tickets are worth what someone is willing to pay for them. if someone wants to go and is willing to pay that much, then by all means.

yea im def reserving a ps3 to throw on ebay for some rich asshole to pay $1000 for, for his kid



LOL at it being a good idea but morally wrong. Is it morally wrong if I buy stock in a company at the IPO because I think it’s going to be worth a lot more in the future, then turn around and sell it for 3x what I paid because I was right?

It’s not like he had some super secret hookup and had the opportunity to buy them before they went on sale. He had a better plan to buy tickets (3 browser windows + phone) so he got them.

I hope he sells them and this thread is wayyy OFFF TOPIC.

apples and oranges… " I think it is going to be worth " and lets see how much it WE CAN DRIVE THE PRICE UP ( and it is not just tom he is just in it for the ride ) but that is the american way…

There is no way someone could convince me that this is “morally wrong”. EVERYONE had the same chance to buy these tickets that I did. I had no connections, no “insiders”, no priority, nothing.

Its the same if you bought an undervalued home and sold it a year later for a big profit, I could name a thousand different situations that are essentially the same thing and socially accepted as normal.

I am not taking advantage of anyone, I am providing those who werent able to get tickets the opportunity to buy them. Hey, I might even use two of them, who knows… who cares.

and I’m having a difficult time justifying the $150 on a ticket down here in NC…

I’ll probably go to game 2.

no hate from me, i was going to do the same, except everyone i knew with season tickets had the same idea as me and wouldn’t let me buy theirs

however, i wouldnt sell the tickets to my friends for anywhere near that much, but thats just how i am. those bitches would be on eBay a second after i bought them

and tom, they let me “in” online around 9:06, but they were already sold out…

lol why are you unemployed?

for all the shit you talk in regards to people’s graphic design one would think you would always have a job somewhere =)

oh well, what he’s doing isn’t immoral, it’s commonplace

the funniest thing about this is that noone gave a shit about people buying 10 xboxes and then selling them for a grand each. yet you guys care about sabres tickets being so high?

stew the fucking foo is all i have to say

I am unemployed because I want to be “unemployed”. I could have kept my job had I wanted.