fs: *sold* 1992 Toyota Paseo, $900 - HID+more

alright, fuzionx23, at 1100$, you cant go wrong, its clean, no underbody rot, runs good, and has parts worth more than what he is asking…dont low ball even more than what he wants…if he had the time to sell it and no parents pushing it to be gone, he would probably ask like 1700$ or something like that.

This car is dirt cheap, and in this case, your paying for the parts…althought the car itself is worth the 1100$ even if it didnt have the perf. parts.

If i wasnt in the market for a pick up, id buy it.

He told me hes not driving anywhere to meet anyone to sell the car…you have to go to him and plus, like i said, he got an integra so now he cant drive this one, its got no insruance.

If he doestn answer his cell, leave a msg, and he will call you back…if he doesnt answer, either hes in class or at work. Aside form that, he will answer.

As for the car never beyin etested in years, i dont know where u got that from…he told me he got it etested when he got it, less than 2 years ago, so its still valid for a few more months…Dont make things up.

i didn’t make anything up, I SPOKE WITH HIM and he told me it hasn’t been e-tested for years. which means it needs to be e-tested soon as this is the odd year (the year when vehicles need to be e-tested for plate renewal) so YOU NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT WITH HIM. btw he says its got an engine noise at idle as well and brakes need to be done. but for $800 he’s said he’ll give it to me as-is, which is a decent price but I would rather pay $1100 safety certified and e-tested rather than buy it at 800 and spend another 800 to get it e-tested/ safety. have you actually seen the car?

waaaahhhh… waaaaahhhhh… can i cry on here too?
i hate the ppl that post on this damn site.
all im here to say is that it is my buddies car, its in good shape, 800 is an amazing deal. and one last thing… go cry somewhere else babies

:shock: WTF is going on? I’m selling the car for cheap as is, take it or leave it! don’t expect me to spend a lot of time preparing it for you, I just want it gone. I know some of you are skeptical about why I would sell a car so cheap if its good, because I want it gone ASAP and the avg value of this car isn’t high anyway. I’ll be honest, the car isn’t in the best shape, a paintjob is needed, there is rust, oil burns at a slow rate and there is no AC and the engine isn’t original. So hopefully that satisfies your skeptisism on why its so cheap!
If you want to buy it then give me a call and come and see it for yourself and make your own decision, bring a mechanic with you if you want! It’s as simple as that! I’m telling you right now that if I didnt inherit a newer car I would still be driving this so its not junk and im not selling you total junk because if the car was total garbage, I would’ve stripped out the mods and gotten it towed to a junkyard and end of story.

This thread is one second away from getting locked. Give one good reason why it shouldn’t.

Posters in this thread best settle down right now. And stop bringing random people to big up the car.

This is why there is a rule in place that states ONLY THE OWNER OF THE ITEM is allowed to post it for sale.

i need a beater can you PM me with a number i can get at you with unless its already sold

try reading…its on page 1

his name is Rege.

his cell is 647.883.3474

… wtf?!

LOL! I agree, this thread should be locked cuz all the needed info for ppl who actually want to buy the car has been given. other than that, there is not much u need to do to pass a 5e engine! when I bought my seo, the car has been sitting for about 2 yrs and wuz periodically started once in a while! Went for etest and passed with flying colours! If ne of u guys have problems passing etest, jus pm me! Also, do not fill the tank to max when going for safety, becuz most likely it will leak a bit! jus my word of advise!

The car is SOLD!