FS/T: 2hp 8gal Air Compressor


TTT - No one needs a cheap compressor?

Price lowered.

how well does this work with air tools…impact gun? air ratchet? die grinder?..can it keep up?

very interested.

Would this fit in the trunk of a car?

It may… it’s a bit on the low end range for air tools imo.
I was thinking about getting it for my PAC system, but it doesn’t put out enough cfm for that ;\

the tools I have require 4-5 cfm, they are not big, but I want them to work properly. I always heard that you go 50% bigger than required. so a tool that needs 4cfm would need a 6cfm compressor…is this correct?

It runs an impact gun and ratchet pretty well. When I change my wheels, it kicks on twice for all 4 wheels, never looses enough air to have to wait though.

It is on the small side for a die grinder, works OK in bursts only, anything over 10 seconds its almost useless.

It should fit in the trunk of a car no problem.

When are you available?

Evenings during the week, and most of the day on Friday.

edit: Drop me a PM with when you want to meet up.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s so you don’t tax the machines capabilities and make it work harder than it should.
Like, running at 100% capacity all the time.
I’m not totally positive on that one.
But I know for my PAC I don’t want the minimum required, I would like quite a bit over.