Need some advice for Air compressor

I’ve been looking to purchase a air compressor that i can use to work on my car. I’m looking for something that can remove flywheels bolts and somthing along that line.

Do you think this compressor can do the job for me-

Its going on sale tomorrow for 129.99

Thats pretty much garbage for car work, good for filling up tires and airbrushing.

You need at LEAST a 20-30 gallon 5hp setup…

my suggestion… look at the tools you want to run then look at the cfm/psi requirements for that tool and buy a compressor according to that. That compressor you linked also goes on sale for MUCH less usually, we bought the same one for airbrushing a year ago for only $30 on sale.

I ve got a 18 gallon one at home, 150 max psi, runs my impact gun and cut of wheel and power ratchet just fine. Fills about 20 tires in one go too.

I’ve taken apart suspension, flywheels, everything that would need the torque of a impact gun to come off. The one you posted though, looks a bit small, it woudl most likley always be running, while the impact gun was in use, simply because it cant provide 90psi for a long enough period, needs a larger capacity, this might not be a big deal though, depnding on your living conditions and noise requirements.

Hope that helps.