Fu(k'D T-56...

So yea, I started tearing down my tranny to start the upgrade/rebuild and I found a mess…

I’ve only got the tailshaft housing off, and the reverse/5/6th gears apart, and I’m already in trouble…

Reverse syncro is screwed
5th gear has wear on the syncro teeth; not good
6th gear has wear on the syncro teeth; not good

the 5/6th syncro is warn round; it starts pointed…

So… anyone got a hookup on t-56 parts? because if this trend continues, it’s going to be getting all new internals.

I’ll post pics of the carnage tomorrow after I get the rest stripped down.

I dont know your timeframe, but in the early summer, I will have the entire internal assembly from my 12K Mile Viper-Spec T-56 up for sale. I will be rebuilding it as a G-Force T-56.

haha perfect! sold… or at least i would assume

There is a possibility I’d be interested; I doubt my engine will be ready till mid-summer anyways but… I’m heading twords a D&D/G-force myself actually; I’m just going the work instead of having them build it.

I’m looking at faceplating the gears for the syncro’s now; sent an e-mail off and am looking how streetable/life it has. The cost is much less than new gears, but I’ve still got a lot of parts to buy (Bearings, seals, Viper Output shaft, possibly a new mainshaft as well; plus cryo-treating all the internals).

Hmm, Dan, I might want your shit come summer. We’ll have to talk about this when we head out to the guv this weekend.

Not a problem guys. I am in no major hurry to get this part done, so whatever works. I want the car running and driving with everything else configured as final production first, as I can better decide what G-Force ratios will be best to go with after the fact.

Well… that and I have to come up with another 5 fucking grand to get the G-Force internals I will need…lol

are you looking to fully rebuild your T-56?? or replace the whole thing?? and is it a LT1 or LS1 T56??

Well, I got the rest torn down, and the damage isn’t as bad as I thought…

As of now, I’ve got to replace, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th gears; all the syncro assemblies, all wearables and normal replacement parts; as well as adapting in a Viper Mainshaft.

I’ll post pictures later. 3rd gear is chipped up pretty good, as well as being worn pretty hard; 2nd gear is the same way; 5th & 6th have some pretty sever wear on the syncro teeth; and all the syncro sliders, sleeves, and keys are all pretty shot…

I’ve also got a strange spot of rust on the mainshaft under the 5th gear bearing surface; only spot that’s rusted in the entire tranny… kinda strange.

Now… $150/per gear… that’s $600 in just gears… not too bad; it could’ve been a LOT worse I guess.

Fucked up a borg warner t56 huh? impressively difficult

if you don’t want your stock t56 the way it is now and just gonna get a whole new tranny. Let me know. I’m in the market for a busted t56…

PM me and let me know if you wanna sell the stocker

I’m rebuilding this one; so no, I’m not getting rid of it.

Well, does anyone know anything about dog-ring’d/face-plated tranny’s and how their street maners are? This is a weekend-only car, so I’m not too worried about street maners, but I don’t want a complete nightmare to drive either.

Depending on the street maners of the Dog-ring’d cars, It’s leading me to either just replace the gears that need it with stockers and dog-ring’m; or replace only 5&6 with stockers, and go with a G-Force set of 1-4 gears/shafts.

Yea, I know, normally it’s the Tremec ones that fail…

This one just shows some serious wear, nothing critical except the 2/3 gears with the ridge chips (End of the gear buildup of wear creates a ridge; and that snaps off with some gear surface); plus the mainshaft bearings were starting to wear and wobble slightly.

I didn’t know they were hard to screw up though; I thought this would be considered “normal” wear for a 97K mile medium driven t-56.

Mr. Wang are you dealing in more parts that go boom?

Impossible to screw up. Ive run a bunch of bottles through mine with 125k on them, plenty of 6k drops, taken up to 140mph more times than I can count, not to mention the half season it ran with almost no fluid. These things are impossible to hurt :tup:

good to hear, if badazz hasnt busted it i’m fully confident i cant :wink: hehe

<- testing the structural limits of every automotive part known to man since 2000 :tup:

Isn’t it with the dog-ringed gears that you can only shift up and have to come to a complete stop to go back to 1st gear?

There are pictures now on-line in my gallery, hopefully marshall will pick out a few and pist them up so that you can see the extent of the wear