t56 wont go into reverse. all gears are harder to get into gear. works with car off..

The problem I’m having is, with the engine running, i can NOT get it into reverse at all and all other gears are more difficult than normal. Removed transmission, pp, and clutch. Looks like clutch/pp are fine(nothing broken). Just installed brand new gm master/slave, same thing. Transmission gone?

usually I would guess the pressure plate or the disc is broken and things are jamming up but you said they look fine. pilot bushing/bearing hanging up? (just a guess… I dunno if it even has one though I assume that it does)

I would see if anyone has a stock clutch that you can borrow for a test. sometimes the pressure plate looks fine on the outside and its really not.

master cyl/bleed system should be checked too.


Sounds exactly like what happened to the trans in my old Fiero. My case was blown syncro’s. Obviously different trans but the symptoms sound identical.

Once it’s in gear does the clutch operate properly? Good grab, good release?

Normally I’d say your clutch wasn’t engaging correctly but since you took it apart and made sure it was fine, I’d have to agree with JayS, your synchros are probably fucked lol, welcome to the club.

yeah once in gear its fine, except reverse of course. The weird thing is, the transmission was absolutely perfect and one day i go to drive it and this… There haven’t been any noises, never popped out of gear. Can syncros just go one day out of the blue?


Can syncros just go one day out of the blue?


Mine did with my t56…

dang. so! anyone know a good place around here that rebuilds t56s ? rough cost?


ya musta let 4x4 jimmy drive it huh? if thas the case your gona need a new tranny jus like i did

Do you have the stock clutch?


Do you have the stock clutch?


i have a Ram Powergrip on there currently. I ordered a new Mcleod which will arrive Tuesday. Debating whether or not i should install it and see what happens…

Are you sure the clutch disc is disengaging?


Are you sure the clutch disc is disengaging?


i could really only assume after visually inspecting the pp/clutch. Any good test?

EDIT: ah crap. so i just went outside… with the car in gear, and clutch to the floor… the wheels spin (car on jack stands). i’m guessing this means my pp/clutch is the issue, or not necessarily?


i could really only assume after visually inspecting the pp/clutch. Any good test?

EDIT: ah crap. so i just went outside… with the car in gear, and clutch to the floor… the wheels spin (car on jack stands). i’m guessing this means my pp/clutch is the issue, or not necessarily?


A visual inspection of the clutch will not tell you if the clearances are correct.

Yes that seems to be the issue. I was thinking the same thing as J&J.
If the clutch does not COMPLETELY disengage, the transmission will be very hard to get into any gear. If the input shaft is still turning it doesnt like to go into into gear.

I hope you did not FORCE any of the gears (including reverse) since you may have bent the shift forks. Also a T-56 has a electric reverse lockout solenoid that will PREVENT the tranny from shifting to reverse if solenoid is not engaged. You may want to check that as well.

I had this problem on my mustang. You need to ADJUST the slave cylinder so that the clutch COMPLETELY disengages when the pedal is too the floor.

You dont want to over do it either because you dont want partial pressure when its fully engaged. Partial pressure will create slip under power and cause premature disk wear/failure.

Is there any fluid in the clutch cylinder res? Did you bleed it right? Synchros usually don’t just stop working one day. However you can leak out a bunch of fluid so the clutch wont’ disengage then kill the synchros trying to get it into gear all in one day.

clearances shouldn’t be an issue since nothing changed. The only two things that could be happening are:

  1. the pressure plate is bad.

  2. syncros died.

The slave/master is brand new from GM and are pre-bled.

I wouldn’t read too much into the wheels turning with the car in the air and the clutch in. With it on the ground will the car try moving at all when you put it in gear, with the clutch in, and rev it? My guess is the wheels turning when they’re in the air is just the fact that there is so little resistance that even the slightest clutch drag would make them turn.

As for “can it just go like that”, it did with mine. Drove the car home from work, shifted fine all the way home and parked it. Next day it would barely shift from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 1st. A few weeks earlier I had been at a track day so I’m guessing the majority of damage was done then and the trans was just hanging on by a thread.

Is the clutch pedal engaging in the same spot it always has? Grabbing early or late? I wouldn’t give up on the trans until I was absolutely sure it wasn’t clutch related.

same thing I said on NewYorkFbody check that.

^^ as said above test… put like 50psi, and the lowest rolling resistance tires you have (skinnys/spares 18-17x9+). And find some nice FLAT pavment

t56… reverse will be the first to show up has hard getting into. when the clutch isn’t 100% dis-engaged. Slightly before 1st gear by its redesign. If it was just rev. Id look at the lockout noid. test that and then the wiring. But the other gears acting up too, just points to the clutch.

plus usually all of the synchros dont just go bad. its usually the 1-2 shift that starts grinding/being difficult first.


there is a reverse lockout solenoid…if that wiring is shot you’ll have some problems getting reverse to work for sure…you can actually bypass that solenoid all together with some slight modification.


yeah once in gear its fine, except reverse of course. The weird thing is, the transmission was absolutely perfect and one day i go to drive it and this… There haven’t been any noises, never popped out of gear. Can syncros just go one day out of the blue?


you dont get it. If the cylinder pull is not adjusted properly clearances are a issue. Its not the synchros. Every gear except reverse has a seperate synchro. Chances of ALL of them going bad at the same time are slim to none.