FU Time Warner


You say that now, but once you have a DVR and shows start fitting your schedule instead of you needing to fit theirs it’s easy to find good stuff to watch. You flip through the guide for a week on discovery and find all kinds of interesting stuff.


That is a good point and probably worth it so I can get the most out of my service. Thanks a lot, Jay, you are getting me to spend more money. :lolham:


That is a good point and probably worth it so I can get the most out of my service. Thanks a lot, Jay, you are getting me to spend more money. :lolham:


What ever. You’re going to have that DVR a week and be PMing me about buying me beer for getting you to buy it because it’s the greatest invention for television since color.

Just make sure you get the HD DVR since I know you have an HDTV. Don’t cheap out and get a shitty little SD DVR. :slight_smile:

cheap out? In our division its the same price for an HD DVR as a regular one…Buffalo charges more?

so if i hook my hd dvr up to ethernet i should be able to get the on demand channel?

no, its in beta and you have to get the beta firmware then wait for dtv to change your account, then you can get the beta on demand.

dbstalk has more info on it.


no, its in beta and you have to get the beta firmware then wait for dtv to change your account, then you can get the beta on demand.

dbstalk has more info on it.


so howd you get it?


What ever. You’re going to have that DVR a week and be PMing me about buying me beer for getting you to buy it because it’s the greatest invention for television since color.

Just make sure you get the HD DVR since I know you have an HDTV. Don’t cheap out and get a shitty little SD DVR. :slight_smile:


Dood, trust me, no way am I gonna get the SD-DVR, I wouldn’t insult my TV with that…


so howd you get it?


I went on dbstalk, did alot of reading, signed up for the CE updates, downloaded it, forced a download on my reciever and waitied for directv to activate it.

Dish Network just started rolling out the software release to allow movie downloads via the broadband connection. Should be pushed out to all 622/722 owners shortly. Hooking up an ethernet cable to mine right now.