Time Warner WTF?

Anyone else having issues this weekend? It seems really bad today where everything drops off for about 1 minute or so about every 15 minutes.

been fine for me

I thought you were going to talk about the price increase :bloated: fucking stupid

i have had nothing but problems with time warner since i bought it. my picture is always fuckin pixelated up and freezing forever. i at one time last week lost like 10 channels totally. this weekend though i swapped my black original box, for a silver dvr and high def box. since then. just 52 inches of crisp clean goodness.

it sucks ive had to reset the modem tons of times

internet wise im running FIOs, but im using time warner for tv…and all my HD channels are like zoomed in…ive went thru my settings multiple times, and the normal resolution is still zoomed in… wtf!!! rant!

i had the same problem i hit the settings button on the remote and the box is set to zoom 1 for some reason just switch it back to normal and it will give you a smaller picture centered on the tv then switch your aspect through the tv menu i think they must be fucking around with the software on the boxes. I thought the zoom thing was just me

Hit # until in normal, then change aspect on your TV to full


This isn’t normal, you need a service call.

I’ll remove you from the official “fuck with” list tomorrow morning, until then set your TVs aspect to 16:9 or full, TW’s box to normal and you should be golden, if not PM me.

Press # a few times on the remote the SA settops have builtin zoom and stretch functionality. And make sure you do the auto setup where you can select modes your tv supports so it can properly switch between 480i, 720p and 1080i.

yep…been having issues all weekend too.

either very slow or not able to load any pages for a few seconds

ok exactly. i tried to download some files from fast sources and only was getting about 100kbps max along with the dropped connections. Ill have to check it again today when I get home.