FUCK AutoXing

The one on the 16th isn’t an SCCA event its run by the Tri-Vettes club…you might want to check one of the 6 other threads that talk about the event for details instead of the one titled “FUCK AutoXing”…

im to fucked up on hydro’s to figure that out, gettin your wisdom teeth taken out ftl


I started stealing cones from road work sites so let me know if anyone wants to make a track at the mall or something.



:rofl :rofl :rofl i’m down

As long as we dont break 17mph!

It’s a deal!!!

That is all…

Don't worry your tiny little heads about it........you won't.....because you don't have the facilities to think far enough ahead to figure out whats going on in life.....let alone in a car at speed, at the track or at an auto-x. So i wouldn't worry about it.....

P.S. What is with the uber gay “that is all” crap? Do you think anyone really cares? Speak your mind…and then shut up…you don’t need to be literally redundant in your statements…welcome to the 5th grade…Grammar FTW

You suck at life. Go be 32 somewhere.

That is all…

I’m 36 learn how to add…
Again with the “that is all” shit…Do you realize what people say about you? SRSLY? I’m totally not kidding with you at this point…You are not well liked…I’m a saint in the eyes of people…when compared to you…

You really need to find Jesus in your life… To be 36 and homosexual is such a travesty to our lord and savior.

That is all…

i find by reading 1stgen post that what we have here kid’s is a man who quite possibly spent his hole life gazing at other grown men’s cock pieces only wishing he could stab his mouth and or throat with one, or more at the same time this poses a real problem, see 1stgen obviously has creditability issues he is using his cock holster to talk shit instead of sucking dick like his daddy showed him… i’m sorry it took so long to figure this all out. i promise in the future i will be much more punctual… and thank you for the time you have spent reading this post…

Are you FAILVIS?

Amen reverend… Amen…


Save it pansy’s…I’ve obviously struck a nerve with you faggots…go be homos on your own time. Sorry your lives are soooooo pitiful that you take the time to make a new screen name to try and come at me. Who’s the bitch now you faggot ass sissies. Who made the new screen name? Or are you all too queer to man up and confess? Mods find out who it is and tell me and we’ll work something out…I actually work on cars and use them for they’re intended purpose. That translates into good work…just so you know…

ip is unique

So much E-thuggin…i love it lol

it seems to be over sadly…