Fuck halloween right in the ear

sitting in traffic on RT.28 some lady hit my car from behind pushing me into an suv infront of me, luckily the rear of the car isnt in that bad of shape but the front will need a little work. :finger2:




sucks man

man that sucks…sorry to hear bout that

oh no!! sucks man! i’m sorry to hear that

did you get any candy?

nah i just chewed on a dead deer while waiting for the cops…

wow! yea that def sucks. Hopefully everything works out for ya

yea while how about this one for Halloween…finding out they might have to cut your tonsills open, so now im out of work for a few days and im 30 days before i get my benefits…so yes im fucked

Was it a evil lady that ran into u or did she have horns at all?

U can live without tonsils,u can’t live without a vehicle:stick:

i love those horny evil women…

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…horny evil woman…

Sorry to hear about you car man. Oh how I love those scooby’s.

she is the evil to me, didnt see any horns though.

sorry to hear bout that.

mmmm anything that involves horny im down with. as long as its a female.

ssorry to hear. i fuckin hate the traffic that pops up around 530 there should be non. stay the fuck where you live at that time dont fuckin bus into others area.

sorry to hear.

or silver

wow she got you good…sorry to hear…how fast was the traffic moving to do that to your front end? that really sucks…

ouch sorry to hear