Fuck it..

trav , i gotta say i agree wit my son krammmerrrr . when i lived up north it sucked thats why i did maddddddd drugs as there was really nuttin else to do , esp seein as ya can only fuck so many diff bitches when the town pop is 30 lolol . honestly if i were u and if ya could swing it get a apt in toga town or suttin that way your centered between albany and home . your home scenery has a lot to do with how ya feel

Not sure why I’m posting in here, because you shit in pretty much every thread I post, but regardless.

You’re at a similar age that I am, you probably feel like your getting older and not sure what direction to head in, or you’re generally stuck between having family here and pursuing other options in other states. I make decent money, but I’m not entirely happy with what I’m doing. I’m just thankfull that I have a job in this economy and can afford to pay my mortgage, etc. I’m also engaged and getting married in 2012. But there are some days I dread going to work, but I just power through that shit. I don’t think anyone loves working but I was there with the career thing, decided to stick it out here a bit and see if it happens. I can tell you there’s nothing like having your family around. They are a huge part of my life, not sure what I’d do without them. Think about that before you pack up and move. Also, money doesn’t buy happiness.

The girl thing is dumb. You need to be happy with you, and it doesn’t seem like you are. Drugs aren’t the answer. Anti-depressants while usefull just seem like a cop out to me. Maybe get some counseling? Talk to someone. You go to the GYM already, but that’s a huge help in my general self esteem. Releasing those endorphins really does the trick.

Try to map out where you want to be in a few years, and work on getting there. I found that having a goal on paper helped me see my direction. I do agree it doesn’t help to live in the boonies, maybe get an apartment in Clifton Park. There’s a lot of good guys in this area. Lots of fun stuff going on.

My .02

Oh and Red, I havn’t forgot about your ride come springtime. Keep your head up man.

dont bother looking for an apartment in CP if u dont have an income. the rent up there is bank.

Most of the answers are in this thread.
First, you said it twice, misery likes company… don’t hang out with it, beat it down with staying busy and even making a point to do good things for others in little ways when possible, because, afterall, happiness draws company!
This will help keep your mind from being “idle” as Mark said. Idle mind in no good.
I’ll admit, being in TI is not making it easy.
You need to taste success…because success breeds more of the same. You have “personality”… 9-5 offic/shop work and “personality” dont always play nice together.
Consider sales. No 5 year degree needed and good money is possible.
Stop taking energy shit. Period. Just makes ya off kilter.
Just chill on the woman thing, it’ll come around if you stop dwelling. Dwelling and worrying in business and social life are corrosive. Do this by…staying busy. I know your not motivated, but thats a priority.
Dont say your “sorry”. Don’t be evil and you can likely remove that from your vocabulary, find a different word.

Read a few books… yup…or listen to them, you’ll be surprised how they can motivate you. Perhaps something from Brian Tracy or even old school Zig Zigler.
Take a trip to a franchise convention. You may not be able to buy one, but you may find a really cool idea or opportunity.
Worst case, I may have an opportunity for you. Your a good egg man, no depressants, just motivation. Stop the bullshit, get mad, get motivated, your better than most when you try, and most of all, you know when you instill a little confidence in what you do, its like starting a fire.

ReDevil, you want something better to burn?

You’re the fucking man Jam :rofl

well im unemployed for a week, and will be chilling, having a DSM party in my garage. so everybody come on over and we will have a good ole fasioned “ANTI DEPRESSION DRINKING PARTY”


Usually I respond to these threads with ridicule… I dunno why Trav but I’m cuttin you a break today.

All I have to say is: FUCK anyone who doesn’t like you for who you are. You’re better off finding out now about her now then 10+yrs down the road when there is a house and possible kids involved.

Everytime life kicks you in the dick, it’s just an opportunity to make your life better than it was, and become stronger / smarter. You’re single now, live it up and enjoy it dude. Do what YOU wanna do. Don’t look at this shit and get depressed, look at it and get all amped up because of all the possibilities you now have.

When you’re done smiling, trade me evo for cobra. :thumbup

I’m in

then seriously come on over

I wish I had a balcony overlooking the hood too, i guess my balcony over looking downtown saratoga will have to do.:lol

I heard kramer finally came out of the closet if that cheers you up a little.

Exit 8 Sunoco/A+ still has MANY cases of Four Loko if you need some.

i know where to go, thats one place lol. i gotta at least get to the gym b4 i have alcohol lol. but i have no problem with ppl commin over today! travis? where u at fella? slowmarro said he will give u a rub down in honey…bears LOVE honey

Brown bears bloves fishing. Brown… Brown bears bloves… God, why am I having so much trouble saying brown…

Haha, that should hold me over. Having met me, I think you know, I usually am not down at all, even with my general shitty life situation. I just had a night yesterday, as did Travis here, so we had a little connection I think.

Yes. Yes I do.

Haha, yea i know. No worries. We ALL feel like that sometimes.

This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwoM5fLITfk


Everyones life sucks do0d. Everyones. No matter what the candy coated shell looks like on the outside, there is always a brown center…and that shits not chocolate. I turn 29 in 8 months, have no desire to get married right now, and have been burned quite a few times myself.

Whoever mentioned getting fucked up and going to the strip club…Im down.

I’d still be in for this regardless.

We could bring a roll of quarters and go to a super dumpy ass club I know of…