Fuck it..

I’m just happy and content, no drugs needed :lol

Difting is your drug

Good point :lol

Six months ago, I was making bullshit,retail level money at a dying little newspaper,hating my bosses, peer and stagating. I sent out resumes constantly, no bites at all in six months. Finally, I got frustrated, found a public relations/communications posting I was unqualified for, wrote a balls out letter detailing how wrong I was for the position but that by limiting themselves they were missing the big picture. I got an email the next day, a lunch interview two days later, and the job the next week.

Day two of work, I get pulled into a meeting with the president and CEO, mainly to listen and learn. I speak up, offer some ideas about communications strategy and end up reformatting our entire annual report.

Two weeks ago at an agency cocktail event I got introduced to mayor Jennings, Paul Tonko and a bunch of local business execs as a rising communications professional and an incredible asset.

If you told be back then id be here now, I wouldn’t have believed it. Lesson is, think outside the box. Go outside your comfort zone. Make an impact, be bold and trust your skills and talents. And keep moving.

Hard day. Two weeks ago it was supposed to be something totally different. Thankful for what I have though. Happy holiday to all.

Going to make a doctors appt tomorrow and get a script for an SSRI. Can’t go on like this.

dude, seriously. Stop dragging your dick in the mud.

it could always be worse.


A legitimate chemical depression is srs bzns if that is what is ailing Sir Travis, if not, a beer and a reacharound should cheer him up.

a legitimate chemical depression, eh? Your clinical mental health diagnosis and evaluation skills are simply amazing my good friend.

There are multiple factors to any kind of Alterations in Thought Processes. It’s not as simple as “depression”. But the simple fact that he’s got the blues after he got a nasty breakup doesn’t make you depressed, it makes you human.

I am no goddamn psychologist but i don’t think there is any chemical imbalance here folks. He is just feeling bummed because the work and lady situations. Fucking same thing everyone else is going through. Just relax and talk to someone. Going to a general health practitioner for a fucking anti depressant is just asinine.

thanks for paraphrasing what I said lol

I’ve been on an SSRI before. Some things in life I take very well and some things I don’t. Unfortunately this is the latter.

you need some coping strategies

I used to have a girlfriend once. It was alright.

I said “if that is what is ailing him,” that was in no way a diagnosis.

Shits called life…

How do you sleep?!?!?! :rofl:rofl:rofl

well, I ACTUALLY have ADD/ADHD, so its not like cocaine for me. so I can actually sleep quite well :slight_smile: