Fuck it..

When I’m feeling blue, I like to read others’ posts ITT. Who needs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors when you’ve got this?

Adderall XR > SSRI

Yeaaaaa Adderall

Adderall sucks.

Yea if you’re a bitch

No U


sorry it wasn’t the same as coke to you, but I’m actually prescribed it :slight_smile:

As am I and it does the trick nicely might I say

I can’t fuck around with Adderall anymore, but it does help temporarily

Travis? I didnt see you behind me in the same boat.
Get off my failboat. You can do better. Go have fun, bro. For both of us, ok? :slight_smile:

Amphetamine is a powerful drug. Just be careful if youre taking it on a regular basis and don’t actually have ADD. It’ll wreck your body.

Mine is doctor prescribed and I only take it on days I have class

Small dose?

I was prescribed 20mg of the instant release twice daily, every day. No good.

My problem was drinking+addy. I’d take a very small dose of addy (10-20mg), drink, be hungover for daysssss

I burn. I drink on occasion. I play lots of video games. I play with my daughter, and dog. I remain happy. Thats it man. I used to be on a ton of drugs for shitty shit.

I take 30mg XR, 3-4 times a day

This kids got it… smoke a little

Enjoy your family


I have 30mgx1 a day
