Full-Time Jobs


As much as i don’t really like school, I figure i gotta stick with it. I have at least 3 more years. It sucks being a broke ass college kid, but who cares…

hahahaha y0 broke cuz u buy 20 cars per year son haaah j/k wtf u goin to college for i forgot(or never knew)

Criminal Justice Mangg

word , lets stay friends i might need you someday to get me out of some shit !

IT field is brutal. It’s very brutal. Some places require a B.S. while others just want to know if you can do the actual work. Given the economy, employers WILL be more critical as they can.

But, look at it a different way. Some people see a job as a job and a career as a career. There is a big difference. While I enjoy weekends, I am CONSTANTLY 24/7 thinking about work. Not just about what I have to do but how I can improve the product. It’s because I enjoy what I do. How can you go through life day-in-out doing something you don’t like? Sure, I’d rather be golfing but my career is self-rewarding.

You need to like what you do unless you are getting ridiculous monies. I’d fist JClark (with a glove ofcourse) for $5MIL a year. :lol

This is true. I have been thinking about this a LOT… I just don’t want to make the mistake of going through college and then deciding at the end I want to do something completely different than what I majored in.

And LOL at that JClark comment. :lol

HVCC is a two year school, right? If you can’t suck it up and deal with a two year program then you’ll never survive in the real world.

Your goal should be HVCC then finish at another school to get your B.S. . Economy is tough, getting a good job with just an associates degree will be tough. Get it done ASAP. Don’t be one of those guys that takes 4 years to get their 2 year degree.

Yeah the IT Field is pretty crazy sometimes. Like you said some require some sort of a degree, but if you have the experiance and the knowledge a lot of places will look past that. More than anything though employers want certifications, which is hit or miss because many people who have a lot of certifications are booksmart only and have never configured a network etc…

And like you I’m always thinking about what I can do at work to make life a little easier and more efficient, but not working for a ridiculously wealthy company prevents a lot of things from getting implmented. On my own time thou im always looking for things I can do to make things a little more automated so i dont have to touch machines. Sucks working in a workgroup enviroment. I’ve been trying to push my boss into a domain since i started here.

college is easy, and i think you’ll regret leaving so early just to go out and work for 30-40 yrs doing the same boring shit. College really isnt that much of a pain in the ass, you get to stare at women, thats always a plus. Ive learned that if you really understand what your professor wants you can get away without doing the bullshit work and doing what counts, it really helps me because i hate doing bullshit work, and therefore i dont do it and i like college, all you need to do is find a happy medium, finish up your school work and you’ll have something to fall back on for the rest of your life

I guess im lucky with my certification school

I work from 8 in the morning till usualy 3-4pm… then go to class at 6-10pm, sleep and do it all over

That’s not a bad deal at all, and I’ll be doing something similar very soon.

Nope. I got my job way before I finished school (2nd semester). I’ve been with my company for almost 3 years now. I graduated in May.

You have any experience Chris other than that 9 months? You should try some staffing services. I briefly worked with (had her finding me work) Nicole at Linium Staffing on Wolf Road (near the Marriot).

I was lucky enough to get a gig when I was a junior in HS with my school district, that helped me A LOT.

How does your resume look? If you want, perhaps I could send you mine and you could compare and maybe alter yours a bit.

What I would do is:

  • Apply to any job at CapitalAreaHelpWanted.Com, JobsTU.com, Careerbuilder.com that would work for you…even if you don’t necessarily like it. YOU NEED EXPERIENCE.
  • Update your resume and make it as nice as possible. Then, go out to business parks like British Boulevard next to Albany Int. and just go to every building, ask if they hire, and leave your resume regardless.

The intern I basically trained is looking at the same situation right now. We can’t keep him so they told him to start looking and he has had ZERO luck. I kinda feel bad for him…

I did this for much of my HVCC education lol. Finished it in 2.5 years.

It kind of sucked.

Oh yeah…and Chris…even if you can get in as a paid intern somewhere…DO IT! I was hired as a ‘systems intern’ in May 2006, worked 20hrs a week for like 3 months then started working 40hrs a week. I was making between 12 and 14/hr…but without any benefits (no vacation, no health insurance, etc.). In Jan of this year, I got promoted to Technical Specialist…which basically doubled my salary and gave me benefits.

Just get your foot in and show them what you can do. That’s exactly what I did. They had no choice but to keep me :).

Our intern is leaving next month…if my boss decides to bring another one, would you be interested? We’re located in Glenmont, NY right across from that Super Walmart on Route 9W. It’s about 3 miles from Albany, Downtown and like 2 miles from Exit 23 tolls.

uhh… you can’t really compare IT jobs now to what they were 3 years ago :nono

You also should look into a head hunter. I rarely look for an opportunity, let someone else do that for me and help me come up to speed on the company for interviews.

Yea, I dealt with Linium Staffing before, nicole as well, shes very nice and will deffinatly try to help you out as much as she can.

If you can get an internship even if it only pays 8 dollars an hour do it. A few months of lousy pay will pay itself off down the road. An internship is a great way to learn new things and will deffinatly look good to employers!

Linium is good.

Shall I mention that when I met with Nicole she looked awesome? Just sayin…


lol go set up an interview. I was too busy trying not to stare and get through the ‘interview’…