looking for a second job v. computer repair's

i am looking for a second part-time job in repairing computers, everywhere i look though besides CC and BB they want at least 2 years experience. does anyone know of a place where you dont need that? i know how to do just about everything and can pick stuff up real quick, i just dont have the professional experience these company’s want

If you know you can do the job just put you had 2 years of experience as a Sony tech with ClientLogic. They went out of business around here so its not like they can verify it…

offer “Free 1st time service” to 18y/o’s and post the nudes.

lol awesome

wait a sec, arent you the guy that posts here all the time with pc issues?



You are better off just putting ad’s in the newspaper for computer repair work.

You aren’t going to make dick repairing PC’s as a job.

I can’t really think of a job with lower demand. Got any other skills?

not really no

i know c++, little java and some networking

McDonalds is hiring.

Just kidding.

^ OMG siqqq burn!