Funny Andre The Giant story

“He has been unofficially crowned “The Greatest Drunk on Earth” for once consuming 119 12-ounce beers in 6 hours.[10] On an episode of WWE’s Legends of Wrestling, Mike Graham claimed that André once drank 197 16-ounce beers in one sitting, which was confirmed by Dusty Rhodes. Such feats can be attributed to his much larger than usual size, meaning it would take higher volumes of liquor to inebriate him. In her autobiography, The Fabulous Moolah alleges that André drank 327 beers and passed out in a hotel bar in Reading, Pennsylvania, and because the staff could not move him, they had to leave him there until he regained consciousness.”

Cliffs-don’t try to drink alongside large french people.

we know travis , you can dronk . buttt i didnt think krammmer could do that well so his new w name is andre eh travis

and where is he now?

Oh, thats right. He’s dead.

Had nothing to do with his drinking

actually he’s dead for the same reason he could drink that way. but that’s neither here nor there

I’d love to see anyone finish a 30 pack in a sitting.

PMing you NickAlero’s number now.

I loved Andre back in the day.

see my sig

Those andre the giant links are epic