How much can you drink?

Holy shit I couldnt believe when I read this…

Andre’s love of beer is well known and stories abound about his drinking habits. Some may seem far-fetched, but his friends often reported that he would drink several cases of beer during the day, an estimated 7,000 calories in daily alcoholic pleasure. A close associate of his has sworn that he once finished 117 bottles of German beer in one sitting. This massive intake of alcohol can be considered a drinking problem- not that he would drink too much, but how do you get drunk if you so desire? Friends of Andre report that on the rare occasions he felt like tying one on that he would go straight through three fifths of vodka.

now thats alcoholism and just awesomeness all tied into one

My friend greg had 47 captain and cokes a few saturdays ago, i thought that was a good effort :clap: :gotme:

and yes we literally kept track of every one, he couldnt make it to 50 though, what a pussy :picard:

during high school, I had 34 blues in one night.

No way in hell can I still drink that much.

To the article, 117 bottles is rediculous, I wish I could have watched that.

This one is great

The Industrial Revolution wasn’t all steam engines and textile mills. Beer production increased exponentially, as well. Fortunately, the good people of England were up to the challenge and drained kegs as fast as they were made. Brewery owners became known as “beer barons,” and they spent their newfound wealth in an age-old manner – by trying to party more than the next guy.

Case in point: In 1814, Meux’s Horse Shoe Brewery in London constructed a brewing vat that was 22 feet tall and 60 feet in diameter, with an interior big enough to seat 200 for dinner – which is exactly how its completion was celebrated. (Why 200? Because a rival had built a vat that seated 100, of course.)

After the dinner, the vat was filled to its 4,000-barrel capacity. Pretty impressive, given the grand scale of the project, but pretty unfortunate given that they overlooked a faulty supporting hoop. Yup, the vat ruptured, causing other vats to break, and the resulting commotion was heard up to 5 miles away.

A wall of 1.3 million gallons of dark beer washed down the street, caving in two buildings and killing nine people by means of “drowning, injury, poisoning by the porter fumes, or drunkenness.”

The story gets even more unbelievable, though. Rescue attempts were blocked and delayed by the thousands who flocked to the area to drink directly off the road. And when survivors were finally brought to the hospital, the other patients became convinced from the smell that the hospital was serving beer to every ward except theirs. A riot broke out, and even more people were left injured.

Sadly, this incident was not deemed tragic enough at the time to merit an annual memorial service and/or reenactment.

Think of all the calories…lol


Think of all the calories…lol



Thanks for the sally comment :lol:



Thanks for the sally comment :lol:


hahaha :gay:


Think of all the calories…lol


wooo woo straight to my thighs…:gay:



Thanks for the sally comment :lol:



yeah hats off to the dude who drank 117
About the most I will drink over a 4-6 hour period is a 30 pack and I am hurtin the next day real bad
Usually I will drink 12-20 on an average drinking night

#4 so thats where the name came from for the Admiral Nelson rum. So what’s captin morgans story.


My friend greg had 47 captain and cokes a few saturdays ago :picard:


You need to find a new bar man… 47 of those should put a horse down.


You need to find a new bar man… 47 of those should put a horse down.


he mixed them himself. they were plent strong, over about a 16 hour period. he was annihilated, i dont know how he made it that long :beer2:

^^^ I think you and I drank 40 gallons of soco and lime that night last summer.

I know this because my shit smelled like soco for a week straight.

A series of bartenders actually paddled around in a small wooden canoe, filling up guests’ cups. Not only that, but they had to work in 15-minute shifts to avoid being overcome by the fumes and falling overboard.

Ballin’ :tup:

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:15,topic:37671"”]

^^^ I think you and I drank 40 gallons of soco and lime that night last summer.

I know this because my shit smelled like soco for a week straight.


hahahaha, wait was this the time you had the golf tournament the next day and i was flying out to florida?? if so then yeah, that was a rough night.

2 at the most for me…then i start losing it

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:15,topic:37671"”]

^^^ I think you and I drank 40 gallons of soco and lime that night last summer.

I know this because my shit smelled like soco for a week straight.


soco & lime dirty lime shits ftl


#4 so thats where the name came from for the Admiral Nelson rum. So what’s captin morgans story.

