The greatest drunkard of all time...

Andre the fucking Giant

my favorite:

You won’t find it in the Guinness Book of World Records, but Andre the Giant holds the world record for the largest number of beers consumed in a single sitting. These were standard 12-ounce bottles of beer, nothing fancy, but during a six-hour period Andre drank 119 of them. It was one of the few times Andre got drunk enough to pass out, which he did in a hallway at his hotel. His companions, quite drunk themselves, couldn’t move the big man. Fearing trouble with cops, they stole a piano cover from the lounge and draped it over Andre’s inert form. He slept peacefully until morning, unmolested by anyone. Perhaps the hotel people thought he was a piece of furniture. Think about it: 119 beers in six hours. That’s a beer every three minutes, non stop. That’s beyond epic. It’s beyond the ken of mortal men. It’s god-like.

what - a - beast.

disgusting drinkaholic monster.

RIP Andre.

Another time, in the ‘70s, Andre was holding court at a beach-front bar in the Carolinas, boozing it up with fellow wrestlers Blackjack Mulligan, Dick Murdoch, and the inimitable Ric Flair. They’d been drinking with gusto for hours when Flair goaded Mulligan and Murdoch into some slap-boxing with Andre, who had poured over 60 beers down his gullet. One of the two “accidentally” sucker-punched Andre. The Giant became enraged, grabbed both Mulligan (6’5”, 250 lbs.) and Murdoch (6’3”, 240 lbs.) and dragged them into the ocean, one in each hand, where he proceeded to hold them under water. Flair intervened, and Andre released the men, assuring them he was only playing around. Murdoch and Mulligan, who had nearly drowned, weren’t so sure, but neither messed with Andre the Giant again. They also picked up the tab.

A beer every 3 minutes? I doubt it.

i bet he could have fit an entire bottle in his mouth, i wouldnt doubt the notion of just pouring the thing down his throat without swallowing…

he swallowed the cans like pills

andrea the giant will eat you for breakfast son.

if a normal person (ok a normal drinker) can chug a beer in 7-8 seconds, and do this at least a few times… im sure andre could put many away taking a few minutes rest inbetween each…

Yeah, except for the notable disadvantage of being dead.

wow, u are so cool, and smart. go jump off a bridge moron.

So touchy. :touchy:

we’re having a good discussion about drinking, and you are putting in your worthless 2 cents. as usual.

imagine the piss he took!

i hope it was on a stripper’s face.

I love the fact that someone who spells ass with two z’s is calling my opinions worthless. That means about as much to me as Andre the Giant drinking 119 beers.

If in fact he did do that, good for him. I just can’t see him being able to hold that much liquid unless he was pissing every 15 minutes.

That would be like a normal sized person doing 119 splits in 6 hours.:biglaugh:

I know some people that could get pretty close to that.:biglaugh:

There aren’t too many normal people around here…

Define “normal”

^^ :lol:

i figure he’s about 4-5 times the size of me and if need be i could drink a case of beer in 6 hours… and pass out

now him drinking 4-5 CASES in six hours is the same beer to weight ratio as me drinking 1 and passing out

so its possible i guess

11.1 gallons of beer.:lol:

A gallon of water weights 8.34 lbs,beer has a little more density.

92lbs+ of beer in 3 hours…might have to raise the bsflag.

6 hours…