The world's greatest drunk-Andre The Giant

RIP big man (yes I know he’s been dead a long time)

“Roussimoff has been unofficially crowned “The Greatest Drunk on Earth”[61] for once consuming 119 12-US-fluid-ounce (350 ml) beers in 6 hours.[62] On an episode of WWE’s Legends of Wrestling, Mike Graham said André once drank 156 16-US-fluid-ounce (470 ml) beers in one sitting, which was confirmed by Dusty Rhodes. Such feats can be attributed to his large size, which meant it took higher amounts of alcohol to inebriate him. In her autobiography, The Fabulous Moolah Lillian Ellison writes that André drank 127 beers in a Reading, Pennsylvania hotel bar and later passed out in the lobby. The staff could not move him and had to leave him there until he awakened”

Also pretty strong…

“If you ever get the chance watch the A&E Biography episode on him. It’s phenomenal, and relates the back surgery story (as well as other drinking stories) in more detail.
My favorite one from that show is one where he’s drinking peacefully in a bar with some buddies. Three or four guys in the bar keep hasseling him. He’s trying to ignore them, not wanting an altercation. Finally after some time of this they all challenge him to go outside. Begrudgingllgy he sees this isn’t gonna stop and agrees to go outside with these assholes. Once they get outside the beer courage wears off and these guy haul ass for their car. They make it to the car and lock themselves inside. Andre simply walks to the car with the four idiots inside and flips it over. Like all the way over, onto its roof, with them still locked inside. Then he and his friends adjourn to their hotel. When the cops show up they refuse to believe the four drunk guys who are insisting that one man flipped their car, with them in it, single handidly”

Cheers to you, Andre (this is his hand holding a beer can)

“André the Giant [who claimed to be 7’5” and 550 pounds] was very strong," William Goldman once recalled. “I was talking to an actor who was shooting a movie in Mexico. What you had to know about Andre was that if he asked you to dinner, he paid, but when you asked him, he also paid. This actor, after several free meals, invited Andre to dinner and, late in the meal, snuck into the kitchen to give his credit card to the maitre d’. As he was about to do this, he felt himself being lifted up in the air…”

“When he had me up in the air,” the actor recalled, “he turned me so I was facing him, and he said, ‘I pay.’ Then he carried me back to my table where he set me down in my chair like a little boy. Oh yes, Andre was very strong.”

The actor? Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Great read-

whoa lol

Andre’s fist against a well known face-

I’ve read a ton of stories about his drunken nights, pretty epic. Iirc one time he passed out and was put on a luggage cart and left in the hallway. Iirc he made hulk hogan his beer bitch as well while on the road

Read the story, some stories I’ve heard, and some I haven’t. I got into wrestling at a young age, and wrestlemania III was one of my first memories.

The story kind of hits home with me. Only 1 male on either side of my family has lived past 50, healthy by most standards or not the one that lived past only made it to 52, and had 3 heart attacks, the 2nd one where he died and was brought back to life. I’m not in the best of health myself, and have tortured my body quite a bit, but as morbid as it sounds, I feel that at 26 I’m at my “mid life crisis” portion of my life, and with all the death in my life (my mom a few weeks ago, and my dad a few years back) I’ve realized its time to start living life to the fullest. I’ve always wanted a fun car, fastest thing I’ve ever owned is my 215hp 5000lb awd mountaineer. A slug by most standards for sure. It’s time for a toy. With winter here, its a damn good time to maybe find a deal on something ridiculous. I figure what the hell, I have a paid off house, with an apartment rental that makes my living expenses completely free and actually makes me money. I’ve lived somewhat a “hard” life, but its about time for that to change and celebrate it and have a blast!

/KK style rant post

“First, consider the number 7,000. It’s an important number, and a rather scary one considering its context, which is this—it has been estimated that Andre the Giant drank 7,000 calories worth of booze every day.The figure doesn’t include food. Just booze.”


He was known to rip the door off his hotel bathroom and make use of the toilet by sitting sideways with his legs sticking out into the main room.


u swerved a bit towards the offtopic side, but thanks for sharing anyways lol

this dude sounded like a BEAST tho, i youtubed some of his wrestling shits and it looks like wrestling was more realistic back in the day, i think.

That dude was HUGE, fat, and NASTY ahahaha i would never wanna wrestle, what a nasty ass career

andre the giant is my hero along with “big show”

would love to have met andre and would love to meet “big show”

that explains alot

good thread!