hahahaha oh man that’s classic
is this the one you dated in hawaii?
hahahaha oh man that’s classic
is this the one you dated in hawaii?
Whats on her face?
Nah. This was much earlier than her.
So what was your response?
you should have just said “sounds good, see you in a few”.
(12:31:26 AM) [COLOR=Blue]Me: I’m watching sesame street and touching myself. [/COLOR]
(12:32:46 AM) [COLOR=Blue]Me: [COLOR=Black]I just came[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Stay home.
So you’re saying she send this to lots of guys and sees who comes through?
grammar nazi!
Uggh. I’m actually getting dumber. Time to log off. I actually spelled ropes “roaps” yesterday. It’s like I’m 8 years old again. :io:
she def did that on purpose.
its the boat
I got the same one from her two weeks ago…
did you smash after this?
lol. Mass e-mails are sooo gay.
She’s not local. And my g/f probably wouldn’t appreciate it.
depends on how good looking said “now” GF is …ha
Might be an opportunity for some :grouphug:action?
“now g/f” is hotter than “then g/f”. I try not to downgrade.