Funny Joke

There was a fly hoverin over a pond.
There was a fish under the water that said, "If that fly drops six inches im gonna jump out and grab him and have my dinner.
There was a bear on the shore that said, "if that fly drops six inches and that fish jumps out of the water to eat the fly, im gonna grab the fish and have my dinner.
There was a hunter hiding in the woods that said,"If that fly drops six inches, and that fish jumps out of the water to eat the fly and the bear grabs the fish im gonna shoot the bear and have my dinner.
Behind the hunter was a rat, it said "If that fly drops six inches, and that fish jumps out of the water and eats the fly, and the bear grabs the fish, and the hunter goes to shoot the bear, im gonna steal that sandwich out of his back pocket and have my dinner.
Just behind the rat was a cat…The cat said "If that fly drops six inches and the fish jumps out of the water and eats the fly, and the bear grabs the fish, and the hunter shoots the bear, and the rat grabs the sandwich, i’ll snag the rat and have my dinner…

Just then, the fly dropped six inches, the fish jumped out of the water and ate the fly the bear grabbed the fish the hunter shot the bear, the rat took the hunters sandwich, and the cat jumped for the rat, missed and fell in the water…

The moral of this story is…When flies drop six inches, pussies tend to get wet…

wow that took too long of a time to get to the punchline



heard it before…long but good

long but good